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You might ask, what is Chinglish, anyway? It depends on whom you ask. Chinese parents

You might ask, what is Chinglish, anyway? It depends on whom you ask. Chinese parents raising their children in English-speaking countries will probably answer: Chinglish is a useful mix of standard Chinese or Cantonese terms with day-to-day English. It is indeed convenient to shorten a sentence such as “I don’t want to go now because it is too hot and it will be hard to find a parking lot anyway” into “Don’t go la, hot la, tai mafan la.” For the Chinese high-school teacher, Chinglish is the students’ unsuccessful attempts to understand English in a Chinese way, resulting in sentences such as “Please hurry to walk or we’ll be late” or “She is very miserable and her heart broke.” However, the English-speaking traveler more frequently comes across Chinglish in the form. of public signs. No matter how one looks at the phenomenon, one thing is clear: Chinglish is not a language. Chinglish might be found, according to some scholars, in Chinese Pidgin (混杂语) English, which came to life in the eighteenth century when the British set up their first trading posts in Guangzhou. The term came from the word “business” and served, according to the great Yale China scholar Jonathan Spencer, “to keep the differing communities in touch, by mixing words from Portuguese, Indian, English, and various Chinese dialects, and spelling them according to Chinese grammar.” Some believe that expressions like “Long time no see” or “No can do” appeared during that time. Others refer to the late Qing-Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi, who forced Chinese villagers to live and work in the West in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Another possibility is the so-called Yangjingbang , a mix of English and Chinese in the time of Lu Xun, China’s greatest twentieth-century writer. Very influential, too, are the large numbers of people from China to the United States, who came from the Gold Rush time to the last twenty-five years since the beginning of China’s policy of Reform. and Opening. No matter which theory one prefers, two things are certain: first, Chinglish exists because people move, and second, as a language phenomenon (现象), it is almost new. Although most Chinglish expressions are widely regarded as mistakes, occasionally some are found enjoyable. Such errors will not die, as they keep coming all the more in our time, largely thanks to the Internet.

1.According to the passage, Chinglish is regarded as useful by ______.

A.some western scholars

B.English-speaking travelers

C.Chinese high-school teachers

D.Chinese parents in English-speaking countries

2. The second paragraph mainly discusses ______.

A.why Chinglish became popular

B.how Chinglish came into being

C.who invented the term “Chinglish”

D.where Chinglish was most popular

3.According to Jonathan Spencer, Pidgin English serves to ______.

A.force Chinese villagers to learn English

B.overcome language difficulties in business

C.help peoples communicate with each other

D.enlarge the vocabulary of the Chinese language

4. According to the passage, Yangjingbang (Line 11, Paragraph 2) is ______.

A.a kind of Chinglish

B.an influential language

C.a mix of any two languages

D.a language in Lu Xun’s time

5.The author’s attitude towards Chinglish can be described as ______.





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Silent Listening

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Clark asked some college students to imagine some 43 (pleasant) situations, e.g., a low exam grade or the dad’s 44 (lose) of his job.The students were then 45 (ask) how they would like to be treated by a friend who learned of the bad situation from someone else.The results were a little 46 (surprise).Some said they would want and expect their friend to mention the 47 (annoy) situation, but most of the students in the study 48 (respond) that they would like the friend not to do it.The students made the 49 (decide) for themselves whether to discuss their problem with a friend.So, there is value in being a silent 50 (listen) around a troubled friend.

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Do you know where I can find a supermarket?______.

A.ask others

B.Around the corner

C.I’m busy

D.What do you want to buy

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Finding a good work-at-home job is not easy. Altho...

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According to the first paragraph, it is not easy to find good work-at-home jobs because ______.

A、they are seldom advertised online or in newspapers

B、they may require that you live in a certain place

C、you are always asked to work full-time

D、you need to have a college degree


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We had just started a round of Bloody Marys. My girl friend took a sip, looked idly ar
ound the room and suddenly, with more vivacity (轻松活泼) than I had seen in weeks, exclaimed, “Isn’t that Ernest Hemingway?”

At the end of the bar, talking on the telephone, was a tall man with a white beard,handsome and imposing.

“It’s Hemingway all right,” I said.

“Why don’t you ask him to have a drink with us?” she said, knowing I wouldn’t dare. What matter if the barman at the Ritz threw me out? My life was over anyway. “I’ll ask him,” I said.

“No, no, don’t ,” she said. “I was just kidding.”

“I wasn’t,” I said, squaring my shoulders and striding to the bar. Hemingway had just ended his phone call.

“Mr. Hemingway,” I said, “the young lady at the far table and I would like you to join us for a drink, if you have time.”

He looked at me, then across the room at her. Whether it was because I was so obviously on the spot or because she was so pretty-she really did look like a cross between Gene Tierney and Audrey Hepburn, as people often remarked-he said, “I’ve got another phone call to make, and then I’ll join you.”

When I returned to the table, my girl friend asked: “What’d he say? What’d he say?”

“He said he’d join us for a drink. Maybe he was just kidding.”

A few minutes later, with both of us studiously not looking toward the end of the bar,a shadow loomed over the table and Hemingway sat down. We ordered another round of Bloody Marys.

Hemingway told us he was going down to Spain for the bullfights. He said he had fully recovered from injuries suffered when his small plane had crashed in the African jungle a few months before. He asked me what kind of car I drove, and when I told him I had a Triumph TR-2-a big engine for a small chassis (汽车底盘) -he remarked, “Get us the manifold pressure in one of those and you can really roll.”

We chatted for a few moments. Then he looked at his watch and said: “I’d like to stay longer, but I’ve got a dinner date. Nice talking to you.”

My girl friend took my hand and smiled warmly at me for the first time in weeks.“You’ve got nerve,” she said. I signaled for the check. “Monsieur Hemingway a paye,” the waiter said. Mr. Hemingway had paid for the drinks.

1. When they first saw Hemingway, the latter ().

A. was drinking Bloody Marys

B. was talking to the barman

C. was talking on the phone

D. was walking idly around the room

2. The girl suggested that the author go and ask Hemingway to have a drink with them because ().

A. she was not speaking seriously

B. she was sure Hemingway would come

C. she wanted to talk to Hemingway very much

D. she was sure the author would do as she suggested

3. After the author went to invite Hemingway, the latter ().

A. said he didn’t have time

B. promised to join them later

C. first said no and then said yes

D. went to join them immediately

4. Hemingway talked with the two people about the following except ().

A. the car the author was driving

B. the recovery of his health

C.the place he was going

D. the book he was writing

5. Which of the following is NOT true with Hemingway according to the passage? ()

A. Hemingway was polite and considerate

B. Hemingway was injured a few months before

C. Hemingway thought people needed pressure in life

D. Hemingway was too busy to find time to talk to common people

A budget(预算)is a spending plan.It can help you spend money wisely.It can do this by cu
tting out wasteful spending.Of course,preparing a budget takes planning,and following a budget takes willpower(自制力).Your budget should meet your family’s needs and income.

The first step in creating a budget is to set your goals.What does your family needand want?You must know all that to work out the details of the budget.Never spend more than you can.Then decide which goals are the most important.

The next step is estimating(估计)family income.Before you can plan wisely,you need to know how much money you have to spend!Write down aqll themoney you expect to receive(wages,saving,interest,etc.) during the planned budget period.

After you have calculated (计算)how much money will be available,it is time to estimate expenses(开销、支出).List all of your family expenses.

If you are not satisfied with what you got for your money,look carefully at your spending.Studying your records will show where overspending has occerred.It will also point out poor buying habits.

It is also a good idea to set aside a small amount of money for emergencies.Every family has emergencies:a blown tire,a broken device,or the need for medical care.

51.According to the passage,what is the advantage of a budget?

A.It can help you set your goals clearly.

B.It can help you save a lot of money.

C.It can help you get rid of poor buying habits.

D.It can help you spend money wisely.

52.In carrying out your budget,you need ___.

A.to have the ability to control yourself

B.to ask your family members for advice

C.to cut it down as much as possible

D.to take care not to buy expensive things

53.Accordingiy,one advantage of keeping a record of your spending is that ___.

A.you will remember how much you have already spent

B.you will know if you have spent more money than you planned

C.you will be able to tell your family what should not be bought

D.you will learn how to make a better budget next time

54.The writer suggests that it is a good idea to set aside some money because ___.

A.you probably will not be able to follow your budget

B.people usually spend more than they plan to do

C.one can hardly plan everything in advance

D.others may want to borrow some money from you

55.This passage is mainly about ___.

A.the meaning of a budget B.the relation between budget and income

C.the way a budget is made D.the importance of making a budget

____? A sample-book.

A.For what did he ask

B.What did he ask for

C.What did he ask

D.For what did he ask for

Do you want to ______ English with me





I cannot give you the information you ask for, for the simple reason()I don't know
I cannot give you the information you ask for, for the simple reason()I don't know

it myself.

A.because of




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