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Pop means popular, and a pop singer is supposed to work very hard to become popular.He must either give the public what they already want, or he must find a new way of singing that will attract their

(1) A pop singer has to spend a lot of money ().

A.for his training to

B.to be unusual

C.to help the poor gain popularity

D.from the public

(2)The life of a successful pop singer is ().

A.full of trouble

B.always relaxed

C.far from easy

D.with no freedom

(3)It may be suggested from the passage that ().

A.a pop singer is afraid of meeting his fans

B.a pop singer owes a lot to his fans for his success

C.pop singers are luckier than other singers

D.a pop singer makes a lot of money

(4) The passage is mainly about ().

A.how to become a pop singer Pop

B.singers and their fans

C.life of a pop singer

D.Worries of a pop singer

(5) A pop singer has to keep working very hard if he wants to ().

A.win over the younger singers

B.stay popular

C.keep up with the public

D.sell more records

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更多“Pop means popular, and a pop s…”相关的问题
Pop singers both at home and abroad are very popular ____ young people.





Soccer is a kind of()sport.That means you cannot play it by yourself.





Coco Chanel, a French woman, is very famous for her success in the fashion world. The
life of Coco Chanel is a classic rags-to-riches story. Born in 1883, she was abandoned by her father after her mother died. She was raised by her aunts who taught her to sew and gave her the nickname Coco, which means "little pet".

Starting out as a hat designer, Coco went against the fancy hats being worn at the time. "How can a brain function under those things," she wondered. Instead, she created simple, but beautiful designs which became popular with fashionable young women of Paris.

Strangely enough, World War I gave her the chance to develop her idea of simple elegance from hats to clothing. Due to the shortage of material during the war, she took the opportunity to show that less can truly be more, introducing turtle-neck(叠领)sweater and pants for women.

In 1923, Coco launched her line of perfumes. "A woman who does not wear perfume has no future!" she said, and women believed her. Since its first appearance, Chanel No. 5 has been the world's most popular perfume, with another bottle being sold every 30 seconds. And Coco herself inspired generations of women designers and businesswomen to pursue their dreams.

1、The world famous brand "Chanel" is named after ________ .

A.a little animal

B.a hat company

C.the nickname of a French woman

D.the surname of a French girl

2、Coco had her hats ________ those of her time at the beginning of her designing.

A.fancier than

B.different from

C.similar to

D.more expensive than

3、According to the passage, Chanel's designs can be best described as ________ .



C.simple and elegant

D.A and C

4、The launch of Chanel perfumes is based on the belief that _________ .

A.a woman who does not wear perfume has no future

B.it will be the world's most popular perfume

C.it will be sold every 30 seconds

D.women are fond of all kinds of perfumes

5、Coco Chanel's success story tells us that ________ .

A.becoming rich is not so difficult

B.women are more likely to succeed

C.people can pursue their dreams

D.the poor are more likely to succeed

Most students choose "Homestay" accommodation when they study abroad: others s
elets Home- stay even if they are not on a study visit Satistics show that it' sa form. of accommodation gaining in popularity all the time.

But what is Homestay? And what makes it so popular?

Homestay means lving with a family, or "host family" as we say.There are three ways of doing it:

Choose to learn English in a language school near to your Homestay location; Have your English classes in the house with a member of the family who is a qualfied teacher; Select not to have classes at all when you visit- a popular choice if you want to do the tourist thing for example.Even in their busy summer period the organizations that arrange the Homestays will always try to place you with the most suitable host family to match your requirements.Placement(安置) organizations think about locatinterests,anguage lveleating requirements alrgies过敏)and other requests you may have.

Though prices vary according to your needs, good quality Homestay accommodation can be relatively economical and although you may be charged an extra amount of money if you want your Homestay in or near the city center Even if you stay further out, you can expect your journey into the center not to exceed 30 minutes.

Not only dpes Homestay accommodation represent value for money, it also gives you an excellent opportunity to practice English with your host familyThis is a very important extra for students who like to speak as much English as pssible.But if you plan to learn English, why not have your English classes in your host family.There' s no better way to lear English than this- the perfect combination of learning and accommodation combined with the cultural experience!

1.Homestay is an ideal choice for students who()。

A.want to leam statistics

B.plan to study overseas

C.plan to visit relatives

D.want to stay at home

2.Who will consider students' requirements before their Homestay starts?

A.The language school.

B.The host family.

C.The English teacher.

D.The placement organization.

3.Which of the fllowing is a key factor affecting the price of Homestay?

A.Students' specific needs.

B.Students language level.

C.Nationality of the host family.

D.Eating habits of the host family.

In Singapore,many middle school students spend a lot of their time on their studies. G

ood education is often regarded as a ticket to Success in their future.So,many of these students try their best to get a good mark in their examinations.They have a lot of homework every day and exams are a big headache.Sometimes,some of them are even made to go to remedial(补习的)classes after school.

Schools run programmes outside school hours.The students can take part in sports and games,music and dance,hiking and rock-climbing,etc.They are also very active in community service(社区服务).

In their spare time,most students like to listen to pop music.Hollywood blockbusters(大片),Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very popular among them.They understand IT very well.Some of them also spend their free time surfing the Internet,e—mailing their friends,playing computer and video games.

They sometimes go to cafes,fast—food restaurants,shopping centres and big bookstores.

So,it looks like life as a middle school student in Singapore is not easy but it is rich and colorful.

21.Many students want to get good education to be () in the future.





22.() go to remedial classes after school in Singapore.

A.A11 of the students

B.Few of the students

C.Not all the students

D.Most of the students

23.In the school,the students can’t outside school () hours.

A.have sports


C.go hiking

D.go to a restaurant

24.According to the passage,most students in Singapore like ().

A.Hollywood blockbusters

B.writing to their friends

C.talking to their friends

D.having exams

25.The meaning of the underlined sentence in the passage is ().

A.the middle schoo1 students’ life in Singapore is easy

B.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is amazing

C.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is boring

D.the middle school students’ life in Singapore is hard,but it’s interesting

In 1955, a man named Raymond Kroc entered a partnership with two brothers named McDona
ld. They opened a popular restaurant in California which sold food that was easy to prepare and serve quickly. Hamburgers, French fries, and cold drinks were the main food there. Kroc opened similar eating places under the same name, "McDonald's", and they were an instant success. He later took over the company, and today it is one of the most famous and successful "fast-food" in America and the world. Why was his idea so successful? Probably the most important reason was that this timing was right. In the 1950s, most married women stayed home to keep house and take care of their children. In the 1960s, many women returned to the workplace. This meant they had less time and energy to do housework and preparation of meals, so they relied more on "TV dinners" and fast-food restaurant. Single parents also have little time to spend in the kitchen. People living alone also depend on this type of food, since cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth.

Fast-food is not part of the diet of all Americans. Another trend of the 1960s, sometimes called the back-to-nature movement influenced many people to avoid food that was packaged or processed(处理). This preference for natural food continued to this day.

From the success of Raymond Kroc’s fast-food business, we can say that social economic trends influence where and what we eat.

1.The main idea of the reading is that ().

A、Raymond Kroc is the most successful fast-food business owner in the world

B、social and economic changes affect eating habits

C、fast-food is easy to prepare and serve quickly

D、Americans eat either fast food or natural food

2.Why was McDonald''s idea so successful? It was mainly because ().

A、people living alone depend on fast food

B、single parents have little time to spend in the kitchen

C、many women returned to the workplace in 1960s

D、his timing was right

3.Americans had the "movements"().

A、in 1955

B、in 1950s

C、in 1960s

D、both in 1950s and 1960s

4."Cooking for one is more trouble than it is worth" means ().

A、cooking for several people is worth more money

B、it is not necessary to take too much time to cook for one person

C、there are more problems when one person cooks

D、there are a lot of housework and preparation to do when one person cooks

5.An idea implied but not directly stated (陈述) in the reading is that ().

A、many married women began to work in the 1960s

B、natural foods are still popular today

C、fast food is not part of the diet of all Americans

D、divorce causes people to change their eating habits

The workers who brought the girl to the orphanage knew little about her. The streets whe

re they found her had been her home for many years. Her parents were unknown. They left her long ago. At the orphanage, the girl, like all the children there, was taught to read and write. While she was studying at the orphanage,she learned something else-to be independent. At twenty-one,she left the orphanage and began work as a secretary. And then, in 1975, while she was still working as an ordinary secretary, something special

happened. She entered the Miss Hong Kong competition and won it. This was the turning point in her life. Now her name, Mary Cheung, was known to everybody.

Mary entered the competition because she wanted to show that orphanage girls could be something. Winning the competition gave her the chance to start a new life. This led her first into television and then into business as a manager. When she was working as a manager, she had trouble with her reports. "My English just wasn't good enough." she says. Luckily, she had a boyfriend (who later became her husband) to help her. Mary studied management at Hong Kong Polytechnic and graduated in 1980. She started her own business in 1985. But she did not stop developing herself. She then studied at the University of Hong Kong. Since 1987,she had spent a lot of time on photography. She has held several exhibitions of her work in many places-China, New Zealand and Paris. She still found time, however, to work on TV, write for newspapers and bring up her family.

The girl from the street has come a long way, but her journey is not finished yet.()

1. Before Mary Cheung was brought to the orphanage, she had lived in the streets for many years. ()

2. The sentence "orphanage girls could be something" means that orphanage girls could be popular and successful. ()

3. Her life changed in 1985. ()

4. This passage is probably taken from a novel. ()

5. Mary's boyfriend was good at English. ()

Text 2 It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his pater
nal (fatherly) wisdom – or at least confirm that he’s the kid’s dad. All he needs to do is shell our $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore – and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fog, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests Directly to the public , ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.

Among the most popular : paternity and kinship testing , which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and latest rage a many passionate genealogists-and supports businesses that offer to search for a family’s geographic roots .

Most tests require collecting cells by webbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.

But some observers are skeptical, “There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial DNA, which a passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.

Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don’t rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

26.In paragraphs 1 and 2 , the text shows PTK’s ___________.

[A]easy availability

[B]flexibility in pricing

[C] successful promotion

[D] popularity with households

阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Successful and mem


Successful and memorable events don’t just happen. Organizing and holding an event takes planning. Whether it’s an anniversary, a sporting event or a retirement party, and no matter how much time you have, your event’s success is in the details.

There are some suggestions for you to hold a successful event.Decide upon your target audience.The first thing is you should know who your target audience is. From this all the other decisions will fall into place in terms of format, content, prices, location etc.

Make a list of details.When you hold an event, you need to consider everything, from program content, lighting, food serving, transportation to parking and safety. Making a list will ensure you don’t overlook things.

Have a clear purpose.When you plan an event, you should clearly define.its purpose, because the following decision should support it.

Do not clash.Check the calendar.Don’t clash with holidays or popular vacation times.

Know your limitations.You should be aware of your weakness such as budget or time. If you decide to hold an event in a week’s time, plan for a more familiar affair. If it’s a big event, prepare several months ahead. If the budget is small, you may have to a lot of do-it-yourself work.

1. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage? {A、B、C}

A. To know your target audience first helps you plan your event better.

B. To check the calendar carefully will avoid time conflict.

C. Know the limitation means you should know the audience’s limitation.

2. Which is not the factor of holding a successful event? {A、B、C}

A. A clear purpose

B. A list of details

C. A invitation

3. According to the passage, what is the key factor to make your event successful? {A、B、C}

A. Leadership.

B. Details.

C. Plenty of planning time.

4. What is the best title for this passage? {A、B、C}

A. Details- the key to the success of an event.

B. Successful and memorable events don’t just happen.

C. How to plan successful events.

5. What is the purpose of making list of details? {A、B、C}

A. Make sure not overlook things

B. To follow decisions

C. To have a clear purpose

CHICAGO (AP) On Jan. 1, an order went into effect requiring that every checked bag at
more than 400 of the nation's commercial airports be screened(扫描检查)for bombs and weapons.Sunday was expected to be the heaviest travel day since Jan. 1. Yet spot checks on Sunday at several of the nation's airports showed no major delays caused by the new security measures.At the international terminal for Northwest Airlines at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, passengers waited up to 30 minutes longer than usual. Their bags were sent through giant screening machines and workers tore open taped boxes and searched through their contents before closing them up again.Most travelers simply accepted stricter screening developed since the terrorist(恐怖分子)attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, before which only 5 percent of the roughly 2 million bags checked each day were screened for bombs.The U.S. government has put an additional 23,000 people into airports to carry out the new order.Sonny Salgatar, a 23-year-old college student flying home to San Diego from Chicago, was told by an airport officer after the first pass that one of his bags was "hot", meaning there was something he couldn't identify and he wanted to open the bag for an inspection.The "hot" item turned out to be Salgatar's clothing iron."Listen, anything they want to do for security is OK for me," Salgatar said.

1.The new measure was adopted to guard against ____.

A、terrorist attacks

B、luggage damage

C、flight delays

D、air crash

2.The word "hot" (Line 2, Para. 6) most probably means ____.





3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ____

A、Major delays were caused after the security order went into effect.

B、Most passengers regard the new measure as necessary.

C、Passengers complain about longer delay at the airport.

D、There will be more and stricter security measures.

4.What was the attitude of Sonny Salgatar towards the security measure taken____

A、He was annoyed.

B、He had no objection.

C、He thought it useless.

D、He didn't worry about it.

5.The best title of the passage might be ____.

A、Fear of Terrorist Attacks

B、Latest Screening Technology

C、New Security Measures Adopted

D、Inspection of Bombs and Weapons

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