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The workers who brought the girl to the orphanage knew little about her. The streets whe

re they found her had been her home for many years. Her parents were unknown. They left her long ago. At the orphanage, the girl, like all the children there, was taught to read and write. While she was studying at the orphanage,she learned something else-to be independent. At twenty-one,she left the orphanage and began work as a secretary. And then, in 1975, while she was still working as an ordinary secretary, something special

happened. She entered the Miss Hong Kong competition and won it. This was the turning point in her life. Now her name, Mary Cheung, was known to everybody.

Mary entered the competition because she wanted to show that orphanage girls could be something. Winning the competition gave her the chance to start a new life. This led her first into television and then into business as a manager. When she was working as a manager, she had trouble with her reports. "My English just wasn't good enough." she says. Luckily, she had a boyfriend (who later became her husband) to help her. Mary studied management at Hong Kong Polytechnic and graduated in 1980. She started her own business in 1985. But she did not stop developing herself. She then studied at the University of Hong Kong. Since 1987,she had spent a lot of time on photography. She has held several exhibitions of her work in many places-China, New Zealand and Paris. She still found time, however, to work on TV, write for newspapers and bring up her family.

The girl from the street has come a long way, but her journey is not finished yet.()

1. Before Mary Cheung was brought to the orphanage, she had lived in the streets for many years. ()

2. The sentence "orphanage girls could be something" means that orphanage girls could be popular and successful. ()

3. Her life changed in 1985. ()

4. This passage is probably taken from a novel. ()

5. Mary's boyfriend was good at English. ()

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更多“The workers who brought the gi…”相关的问题
Workers in () nations who need jobs that pay () than their counterparts in other parts of the world are sometimes replaced by foreign workers.










Many people with ordinary jobs may dream of long holidays in foreign countries, but th
ey know they couldn’t afford them even if they could get enough time off from the company.However, there are a few businesses which have started schemes to reward employees with long service by giving them a chance to fulfill such ambitions by providing both the time and the money.

One company gives every employee over 50 years old and who has been with them for 25 years, six months’ holiday on full pay.At the same time additional money can be made available by way of loans, to help them with projects they cannot otherwise offer.Most of the people who have already benefited from the scheme, have used the opportunity to travel to distant places like the Far East or South America and some have spent the money on their favorite hobbies, such as photography.

The cost of providing these special holidays is fairly high but the directors feel it is well worthwhile because the employees are greatly refreshed by their long break from the pressures and routines of their jobs.The only problems are that the people concerned tend to have key jobs which can be difficult to fill on a temporary basis for a relatively long time.Besides, some employees find it difficult to re-adjust to the old routine after such a long time away.In addition, one or two people may not feel secure at leaving their job in someone else’s hands.On balance, however, there is no doubt that the idea is beneficial to industrial relations and a wonderful reward for long service.

31.Many workers would like to ___________.

A.dream of long holidays at home

B.spend a long time in unusual places

C.buy a holiday away from home

D.have a long holiday after many years

32.One company____________.

A.gives money to employees over 25 years

B.lends staff money to go on holidays

C.allows long holidays to certain staff

D.arranges long holidays for old employees

33.Most of the employees in the scheme ____________.

A.take foreign trips

B.develop their hobbies

C.take up photography

D.enjoy leisure activities

34.The directors feel that _____________.

A.the staff get a lot of pleasures from the scheme

B.older staff are very enthusiastic about holidays

C.the scheme is more expensive than they expected

D.the scheme is beneficial to staff relations

35.One of the problems is that ________________.

A.it is difficult to fill a temporary job

B.some employees are afraid of their colleagues

C.it is difficult for some people to re-adjust to the old routine after a long break

D.employees don’t feel secure when they are away

4 Susan Grant is in something of a dilemma. She has been invited to join the board of the
troubled Marlow Fashion

Group as a non-executive director, but is uncertain as to the level and nature of her contribution to the strategic

thinking of the Group.

The Marlow Fashion Group had been set up by a husband and wife team in the 1970s in an economically depressed

part of the UK. They produced a comprehensive range of women’s clothing built round the theme of traditional English

style. and elegance. The Group had the necessary skills to design, manufacture and retail its product range. The

Marlow brand was quickly established and the company built up a loyal network of suppliers, workers in the company

factory and franchised retailers spread around the world. Marlow Fashion Group’s products were able to command

premium prices in the world of fashion. Rodney and Betty Marlow ensured that their commitment to traditional values

created a strong family atmosphere in its network of partners and were reluctant to change this.

Unfortunately, changes in the market for women’s wear presented a major threat to Marlow Fashion. Firstly, women

had become a much more active part of the workforce and demanded smarter, more functional outfits to wear at work.

Marlow Fashion’s emphasis on soft, feminine styles became increasingly dated. Secondly, the tight control exercised

by Betty and Rodney Marlow and their commitment to control of design, manufacturing and retailing left them

vulnerable to competitors who focused on just one of these core activities. Thirdly, there was a reluctance by the

Marlows and their management team to acknowledge that a significant fall in sales and profits were as a result of a

fundamental shift in demand for women’s clothing. Finally, the share price of the company fell dramatically. Betty and

Rodney Marlow retained a significant minority ownership stake, but the company had had a new Chief Executive

Officer every year since 2000.


(a) Write a short report to Susan Grant identifying and explaining the strategic strengths and weaknesses in the

Marlow Fashion Group. (12 marks)

(1) Life can be tough for immigrants in America. A...

(1) Life can be tough for immigrants in America. As a Romanian bank clerk in Atlanta puts it, to find a good job “you have to be like a wolf in the forest – able to smell out the best meat.” And if you can’t find work, don’t expect the taxpayer to bail you out. Unlike in some European countries, it is extremely hard for an able-bodied immigrant to live off the state. A law passed in 1996 explicitly bars most immigrants, even those with legal status, from receiving almost any federal benefits. (2) That is one reason why America absorbs immigrants better than any other rich countries, according to a new study by the University of California. The researchers sought to measure the effect of immigration on the native-born in 20 rich countries, taking into account differences in skills between immigrants and natives, imperfect labor markets and the size of the welfare state in each country. (3) Their results offer ammunition for fans of more open borders. In 19 out of 20 countries, the authors calculated that shutting the doors entirely to foreign workers would make the native-born worse off. Never mind what it would do to the immigrants themselves, who benefit far more than anyone else from being allowed to cross borders to find work. (4) The study also suggests that most countries could handle more immigration than they currently allow. In America, a one-percentage point increase in the proportion of immigrants in the population made the native-born 0.05% better off. The opposite was true in some countries with generous or ill-designed welfare states, however. A one-point rise in immigration made the native-born slightly worse off in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. In Belgium, immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits, which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent. (5) None of these effects was large, but the study undermines the claim that immigrants steal jobs from native or drag down their wages. Many immigrants take jobs that Americans do not want, the study finds. This “smooths” the labor market and ultimately creates more jobs for locals. Native-owned grocery stores do better business because there are immigrants to pick the fruit they sell. Indian computer scientists help American software firms expand. A previous study found that because immigrants typically earn less than locals with similar skills, they boost corporate profits, prompting companies to grow and hire more locals. 1. Increase in immigration in Austria fails to improve locals’ life mainly because of ________.

A、low wages for locals

B、imperfect labor markets

C、the design of the welfare system

D、inadequate skills of immigrants

American students learn business skills in school. Here is a story about some American
students who learnt business skills by operating their own banks.

In December 1987,the Twiglet Bank was opened at an Elementary School in Miami,Florida. It is a real bank that accepts money for savings and makes loans, and it is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old. The bank is open for one hour two days a week.Students can put their money into the bank and withdraw it as they wish. Officials from a local bank helped the students start the bank. They trained twenty-three of ther to do all the different kinds of bank jobs, from counting money to guarding the bank. The students needed money to start the bank. They raised more than $ 2,000 by selling 50-dollar shares in the bank to parents, teachers, the local bank workers, and customers.

Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business. They have learned about raising and investigating money and how to use computers and other banking equipment. They have also learned how to ask for a job and to be responsible for their jobs.

1.Who operated Twiglet Bank?

A.The teenagers

B.The community

C.The government

2.Who helped these children start a bank?



C.Bank officials

3.How did children raise money for their bank?

A.Their schools provided financial support for them

B.They found an organization to donate a set of fund

C.They sold shares in the bank to parents, teachers, etc

4. Which is NOT true for the benefits of children from operating their own bank?

A. They learned how to produce the money

B. They learned how to look for a job and do it well

C. They learned how to use computers and banking equipment

5. What is the best title for this passage?

A. A bank of Miami

B. A Student Bank

C. The Operation of American Bank

The workers were made ________ ten hours a day.


B.to work



As we approached the work site, the workers were seen building the new house.()
As the shortage of skilled workers grows, the competition to ____new employees is likely to intensify.





Recently American businesses have become more competitive by hiring many new workers
According to statistics, America's skilled white-collar work force has_____the ranks of skilled blue-collar workers for the first time.





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