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If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are

probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of the year. A well-known scientist, Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1937), concluded from other men's work and his own among people in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities. He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer.

Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man's mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature. Fall is the next-best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking!

1). Huntington based his conclusions on ___________.

A. work with people in different climates

B. records of temperature changes

C. records of change in his own intelligence

D. all of the above

2). Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _________.

A. a great effect on everyone's intelligence

B. no effect on people's intelligence

C. effect on only a few people's intelligence

D. some effect on most people's intelligence

3). One possible reason why spring is the best season for thinking is that ___________.

A. there are some things making all nature different from before

B. it is neither too warm nor too cold

C. it is more natural for the development of mental abilities

D. it lasts longer than the other seasons

4). The two best seasons for thinking seem to be _____________.

A. winter and summer

B. fall and winter

C. spring and fall

D. summer and spring

5). According to the passage above, vacations from thinking should be taken ___________.

A. as seldom as possible

B. during spring and fall

C. several times throughout the year

D. during the summer

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更多“If you are like most people, y…”相关的问题
What’s the most important to you when you choose a job?()

A.Noone can help me

B.It must be the job I like

C.I have so many friends

D.I won’t choose it

听力原文:W: What kind of work would you like the most if you had the chance?M: If I were g

听力原文:W: What kind of work would you like the most if you had the chance?

M: If I were going to change my life of work, I would probably make a dramatic change. I would not live in a city. I would move to the country, probably be more involved with nature and with animals.

Which of the following would the man choose to be?

A.A dramatist,

B.An actor,

C.A worker.

D.A farmer.

Silent ListeningIf something bad just happened (happen) to your friend, what would you d
Silent ListeningIf something bad just happened (happen) to your friend, what would you d

Silent Listening

If something bad just happened (happen) to your friend, what would you do? Would you mention it to him and say you feel sorry about it? Would you offer support or advice? According to Ruth Clark, such 41 (treat) could mean well, but it might not be what he 42 (real) wants or needs.

Clark asked some college students to imagine some 43 (pleasant) situations, e.g., a low exam grade or the dad’s 44 (lose) of his job.The students were then 45 (ask) how they would like to be treated by a friend who learned of the bad situation from someone else.The results were a little 46 (surprise).Some said they would want and expect their friend to mention the 47 (annoy) situation, but most of the students in the study 48 (respond) that they would like the friend not to do it.The students made the 49 (decide) for themselves whether to discuss their problem with a friend.So, there is value in being a silent 50 (listen) around a troubled friend.

LTC AUSTRALIA 618 823777 25 Apr. 1999 P. 02Dear Mr. Lin Thank you for your fax, which we received on 21 April. However, I have been away at a conference for a few days and I have only just had the (19) to read it. I apologize for the consequent delay in (20) to you. It appears that you were not completely (21) with the training videos that we sent you. However, there seems to be some confusion, and I would just like to (22) a couple of points. First of all, I would like to (23) what I said in my original letter: if you (24) the videos unusable we will be quite prepared to (25) all your money. However, it was not clear from your fax whether you had (26) all the videos, or just one or two. We have received favorable (27) about the videos from a number of our customers. In particular, the "Safety at Work" and First Aid "videos are extremely" (28) I would be grateful, therefore, if you could (29) that all ten videos are checked. Please (30) out the ones that you find most (31) or your needs, and return the (32) cassettes. I will then be able to (33) the amount payable to you.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely, (Signature )John Peters(Customer Services)





We have created a special rate that will let you travel actually thousands of miles o
n your vacation at no extra cost.

In most of our US and Canadian offices, we'll rent you cars of high quality for seven days for $ 99.

You can drive as far as you like without paying us a penny over the $ 99 as long as you return the car to the city from which you rented it.Insurance(保险) is included, gas is not.

If you rent the car in Florida or in California, the rate is the same, but you can return the car to any city in the state.

If you'd like some suggestions on what to do with the car once you've got it, we have driving and touting guides for almost every part of the country.No matter which rate you choose, the company comes at no extra cost.You don't just rent a car.You rent a company!

26.According to the advertisement, $ 99 is the rate offered for _____.

A.traveling a limited distance

B.renting a car for seven days

C.hiring a driving guide

D.driving within a state

27.Which of the following is included in the car-renting rate?()

A.Gas used

B.Car repairs

C.The hotel charge

D.Insurance fee

28.The car-renting rate remains $ 99if you _____.

A.return the car to where you rent it

B.drive within the same city

C.buy the insurance

D.pay for the gas

29.The last sentence of the passage "You rent a company" means that _____.

A.you have to be responsible for the company

B.you should obey the rules set by the company

C.you can enjoy all-round services of this company

D.you may choose the best car from the company

30.The purpose of the passage is to advertise _____.

A.car-renting services in the US

B.a special rate of car-renting

C.the advantages of car-renting

D.a US car-renting company

The smart job-seeker needs to rid herself of several standard myths about interviewing
.What follows is a list of some of these untruths and some suggestions to help you do your best at a job interview.

Myth 1:The aim of interviewing is to obtain a job offer.Only half true.The real aim of an interview is to obtain the job you want.That often means rejecting job offers you don,t want! So, before you do back-flips for an employer be sure you want the job.

Myth 2:Always please the interviewer.

Not true.Try to please yourself.Giving answers that you think will suit a potential employer and practicing a policy of appeasement (讨好)are certain to get you nowhere.An effective interview (where you are offered the job or not) is like an exciting encounter in conversation with your seatmate on an airplane.

Myth 3 :Never interrupt the interviewer.

An exciting conversation always makes us feel free—free to interrupt, to disagree, to agree enthusiastically.So, when interviewing, try to be yourself.Employers will either like or dislike you, but at least you'll have made an impression.Leaving an employer indifferent is the worst impression you

can make.And the way to make an effective impression is to feel free to be yourself!

26.By "myth" the author means __________

A.an old traditional story or legend

B.something that is unknown

C.something false, but most people believe to be true

27.According to the passage, if you are looking for a job, your aim in the interview is.

A.to obtain the job offered by the employer

B.to obtain a job you want

C.to let the employer understand you

28.The right attitude For you is to ___________.

A.please the potential employer

B.avoid disagreement with the interviewer

C.talk to your interviewer in a warm and friendly way

29.When interviewing, ________.

A.try to be yourself

B.leave an employer indifferent

C.don't interrupt the interviewer

30.The best title for this passage would be ___________.

A.The aim of job-seeking

B.Myths about interviewing

C.How to obtain a job

听力原文:In public speaking, the watch word is preparation. Most of us tend to put things

听力原文: In public speaking, the watch word is preparation. Most of us tend to put things off, at least occasionally. It's so easy to put things off especially those things we do not look forward to doing. So if the speaking engagement is several weeks off, we may feel that we still have plenty of time. But as the day draws closer, we begin to panic. Don't let this happen to you. Start preparing as soon as you're given or accept the speaking assignment. You have much to do and to do it right will take time. How much better your speech will be and how much better you'll feel if you have taken the time to do it right! When you are prepared, you have gathered the needed data, determined what is appropriate to the listener's understanding and acceptance levels, organized the ideas so they flow logically, selected examples and other supports for your ideas and made them interesting to your listeners, developed a great opening that you know will capture the attention of even the daydreamers in your audience checked out the room where you'll be speaking and requested any feasible changes you wish in the set-up of the room If you are prepared, you are confident that you can best convey your message to your listeners. If you waited until a few days before your presentation to begin to prepare, or worse, yet, the day before, no doubt you'll be anxious and with good reason. And now there is not enough time to engage in more than a superficial attempt. Both you and the audience will feel uncomfortable, like retirement planning. It is never too early to start preparing for your presentation. So, start preparing right away.





D.Select appropriate materials.

Most students choose "Homestay" accommodation when they study abroad: others s
elets Home- stay even if they are not on a study visit Satistics show that it' sa form. of accommodation gaining in popularity all the time.

But what is Homestay? And what makes it so popular?

Homestay means lving with a family, or "host family" as we say.There are three ways of doing it:

Choose to learn English in a language school near to your Homestay location; Have your English classes in the house with a member of the family who is a qualfied teacher; Select not to have classes at all when you visit- a popular choice if you want to do the tourist thing for example.Even in their busy summer period the organizations that arrange the Homestays will always try to place you with the most suitable host family to match your requirements.Placement(安置) organizations think about locatinterests,anguage lveleating requirements alrgies过敏)and other requests you may have.

Though prices vary according to your needs, good quality Homestay accommodation can be relatively economical and although you may be charged an extra amount of money if you want your Homestay in or near the city center Even if you stay further out, you can expect your journey into the center not to exceed 30 minutes.

Not only dpes Homestay accommodation represent value for money, it also gives you an excellent opportunity to practice English with your host familyThis is a very important extra for students who like to speak as much English as pssible.But if you plan to learn English, why not have your English classes in your host family.There' s no better way to lear English than this- the perfect combination of learning and accommodation combined with the cultural experience!

1.Homestay is an ideal choice for students who()。

A.want to leam statistics

B.plan to study overseas

C.plan to visit relatives

D.want to stay at home

2.Who will consider students' requirements before their Homestay starts?

A.The language school.

B.The host family.

C.The English teacher.

D.The placement organization.

3.Which of the fllowing is a key factor affecting the price of Homestay?

A.Students' specific needs.

B.Students language level.

C.Nationality of the host family.

D.Eating habits of the host family.

The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose sh...

The brain is a seemingly endless library, whose shelves house our most precious memories as well as our lifetime’s knowledge. But is there a point where it reaches capacity. The answer is no, because brains are more sophisticated than that. Instead of just crowding in, old information is sometimes pushed out of the brain for new memories to form. Precious behavioral studies have shown that learning new information can lead to forgetting. But in a new study, researchers demonstrated for the first time how this effect occurs in the brain. In daily life, forgetting actually has clear advantages. Imagine, for instance, that just lost your bank card. The new card you receive will come with a new personal identification number(PIN). Each time you remember the new PIN, you gradually forget the old one. This process improves access to the relevant information, without old memories interfering. And most of us may sometimes feel the frustration of having old memories interfere with new, relevant memories. Consider trying to remember where you parked your car in the same car park you were at a week earlier. This type of memory (where you are trying to remember new, but similar information) is particularly vulnerable to interference. When we acquire new information, the main automatically tries to incorporate(合并) it within existing information by forming associations. And when we retrieve(检索) information, both the desired and associated but irrelevant information is recalled. The majority of previous research has focused on how we learn and remember new information. But current studies are beginning to place greater emphasis on the conditions under which we forget, and its importance begins to be more appreciated. A very small number of people are able to remember almost every detail of their life. While it may sound like an advantage to many, people with this rare condition often find their unusual ability burdensome. In a sense, forgetting is our brain’s way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval. Normal forgetting may even be a safety mechanism to ensure our brain doesn’t become too full. What does the passage say about forgetting?

A、It can enlarge our brain capacity.

B、It helps get rid of negative memories.

C、It is a way of organizing our memories.

D、It should not cause any alarm in any way.

Electronic banking has radically changed the way customers can do banking.Before e-ba
nking, if you wanted to check an account balance, you physically had to go to the bank branch.Now there are many banking methods available.A TMs have become.very useful, because they allow you to check balances, make deposit, withdraw funds and transfer money.Telephone banking enables you to conduct electronic funds transfer, check balances and pay bills.Mobile banking functions nearly the same as telephone banking, except that information is carried by Short Message Service.Online banking on the other hand provides you with many more services.They include changing account details like address, and password, arranging bill payments, viewing transactions and transferring money between accounts.It is important to protect your personal information when banking online.You should clear your cookies after each banking session, and make sure that your password is long enough to prevent it from being easily hacked.

26.People used to check their account balance at/by().



C.online banking

27.Which seems to have most functions()


B.telephone bankmg

C.online banking

28.Which of the following is NOT true in the passage()

A.Online banking password should be as short as possible.

B.E-banking is very convenient and time--savmg.

C.You can take out money at A TMs.

29.It is important to protect your when banking online().




30.The passage is mainly about().

A.how to be safe in online banking

B.what types the e-banking includes and the basic function for each type

C.how to change a customer's personal information in a bank

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