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When we finally arrived, I had to () to the reservation desk to pay for my ticket.





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更多“ When we finally arrived, I ha…”相关的问题
______ opinions on the schedule, we finally reached on agreement.

A.Having exchanged



D.To exchange

It was only when Simon finally ()to sleep that the headaches eased.

A.drifted off

B. took off

C. picked up

D. gave up

When the boy finally ate the oyster, ________.

A.his father was pleased with him

B.it reminded him of his mother’s home baking

C.it made him realize how much he loved his father

D.he knew his father had convinced him about the taste of oysters

Last December 22 a pickup truck slid on an icy bridge over the Elizabeth River near P
ortsmouth,and slammed into the guardrail,where workers were removing scaffolding from a paving project.The impact threw Cornell Taylor,43,more than 70 feet into the frigid water below.Nearby,Joseph G.Brisson,36,was in the wheelhouse of his tugboat.He and his crew were talking about the upcoming holidays when suddenly their chatter was interrupted by an urgent voice:"Man down!"Brisson saw Taylor hit the water."He went down a few times and all I saw was a hand."Realizing there was no time to wait for rescue crews,Brisson took off his shoes and handed his wallet to a co-worker,then jumped feet-first into the 40-degree water.Swimming to Taylor,Brisson helped the disoriented man get his face above water."I told him I was not going to let him go,that if he went,I was going with him."The river current was freezing."I couldn't feel my legs,arms or hands,"Brisson said.He locked his legs around Taylor's waist and kept the injured man float and talking."I told him we were going to be all right,that we were both going to enjoy Christmas."Finally, after about 30 minutes in the water,the men were pulled to safety.Calling himself "a normal Joe,"Brisson says,"I have a family.I thought about that.But I thought about how life is very important,I couldn't let anything happen to him."

问题: What happened to Cornell Taylor()

A、he was thrown to the guardrail

B、he lost control of his truck

C、he was removed from a paving project

D、he was thrown into the cold river

How do young children learn to have good values? How can parents teach their children
How do young children learn to have good values? How can parents teach their children about the importance of kindness, patience, and self-discipline? At a time when more and more parents worry about the negative and violent images(暴力形象) their children see on TV, in the movies and, on the Internet, some are turning to fairy tales(童话) as a way to teach their young ones how to behave in society.

Fairy tales were not always intended for children.We know this because some of these stories have existed for hundreds of years and were passed down from generation to generation through songs and drama.They were considered entertainment for everyone, not only for young people.In these ancient stories, the heroes were extremely clever, fiercely independent, and never gave up.Over the years, some of the heroes’ qualities and story lines have been changed to fit the times. Psychologists think that fairy tales have a positive influence on children because they present the two sides of good and evil very clearly.When children hear the stories, they develop sympathetic feelings for the heroic characters.In each tale, they can see that there are many different kinds of people in the world and that we all have a choice about what kind of person we want to be.We can choose to do good actions, rather that bad ones, in our lives.

What kind of values can children learn from fairy tales? In “The Princess and the Pea,” a poorly dressed girl who insists she is a princess is given a difficult test by the Queen.When she passes the test, we learn that she is rewarded because she stayed true to herself.In “The Little Mermaid,” the mermaid(美人鱼)who lives under the sea longs to be with the humans on land.Through her experiences, we learn about the importance of living with and accepting other cultures.In “Pinocchio,” a wooden puppet(木偶)turns into a boy when he finally learns how to tell the truth. Teaching values is the reason most often given for teaching literature and encouraging reading.These old stories can indeed teach us lessons about human relationships that are universal(普遍的) enough to survive throughout the centuries.This might be the reason why they have been around for so long and are unlikely to disappear any time soon.

1.What do we learn about fairy tales from the passage? _______

A.They are written solely for children

B.They teach universal lessons about human relationships

C.They are all passed down through songs and drama

D.They are adapted to TV and movies as entertainment

2.Why do fairy tales have a positive influence on children?

A.Good and evil are presented in way they can easily understand

B.The characters are all good examples for them to follow

C.The heroes go through all kinds of hardships but never give up

D.There are many different kinds of characters for them to imitate

3.Some of the heroes’ qualities in fairy tales have been changed over the years ________.

A.to reflect the change of values

B.to suit the tastes of different people

C.to arouse the interest of little children

D.to adapt to the change of the times

4.Children who have heard about the story of the little mermaid might ________.

A.learn to be better self-disciplined

B.be more likely to tell the truth than to tell lies

C.learn to stay true to themselves all their lives

D.be better able to accept foreign cultures

5.Parents encourage children to read fairy tales so that they ________.

A.can entertain themselves without bothering others

B.can get to know great literature of the world

C.can stay away from violence shown on TV

D.can learn how to behave in society

Which of the following sentence is Noun Clause_______?
A、The fact will come out when he comes here.

B、She is the student who can speak English well.

C、The thought came to him that Mary had probably fallen ill.

D、Those who were trapped under the ruins finally got rescued.

We jumped with joy when we ______ their success.

A.heard of

B.heard from

C.heard for

D.heard over

___is for us to consider now.

A、when will we start our journey

B、when we will start our journey

C、If we will start our journey

D、will we start our journey

Only when we focus our attention on the work () effectively.

A.can we finish it

B.we can finish it

C.could we finish it

D.we could finish it

We had _____ left the house_____ it began to rain. ()

A.scarcely... than

B.scarcely... after


D.scarcely... When

We left the mother a note__she was worried when she came back.


B.so that

C.in case


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