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A law which gives rights to animals ______ new rules about hunting.





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In 1923 Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature as the first Irishman so hono
red for what the Nobel Committee described as "inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form. gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation."()


Which of these different “dropped call rates” gives a “subscriber perceived” drop rate

A.Dropped TCH connections of the total number of TCH connections

B.Dropped calls of the total number of calls terminated in the cell

C.Erlang minutes per dropped TCH connection

D.Average call drops experienced during one hour talk time

E.All of these

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The question of whether war is inev
itable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers. Before considering this question, it will useful to introduce some related concepts. Conflict, defined as opposition among social entities directed against one another is distinguished from competition, defined as opposition among social entities independently striving for some thing which is in inadequate supply. Competitors may not be aware of one another, while the parties to a conflict are. Conflict and vice of one another.

Opposition is thus contrasted with cooperation, the process by which social entities function in the service of one another. These definitions are necessary because it is important to emphasize that competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited resources, but conflict is not. Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur, and is probably an essential and desirable element of human societies.

Many authors have argued for the inevitability of war from the premise that in the struggle for existence among animal species, only the fittest survive. In general, however this struggle in nature’s competition, not conflict. Social animals, such as monkeys and cattle, fight to win or maintain leadership of the group. The struggle for existence occurs not in such fights but in the competition for limited feeding areas and for the occupancy of areas free from meet-eating animals. Those who fail in competition starve to death or become victims to other species. This struggle for existence does not resemble human war, but rather the competition of individuals for jobs, markets, and materials. The essence of the struggle is the competition for the necessities of life that are insufficient to satisfy all.

Among nations there is competition in developing resources trades, skills, and a satisfactory way of life. The successful nations grow and prosper; the unsuccessful decline. While it is true that this competition may induce efforts to expand territory at the expense of others, and thus lead to conflict, it cannot be said that war-like conflict among nations is inevitable, although competition is.

第26题:In the first paragraph, the author gives the definitions of some term in order to ________.

A) argue for the similarities between and human societies

B) smooth out the conflicts in human societies

C) distinguish between two kinds of opposition

D) summarize the that characteristic features of opposition and cooperation

It is notorious that facts are compatible with opposite emotional comments, since the same
fact will inspire entirely different feelings in different persons, and at different times in the same person; and there is no rationally deducible (可推论的) connection between any outer fact and the sentiments it may happen to provoke. These have their source in another sphere of existence altogether, in the animal and spiritual region of the subject's being. Conceive yourself, if possibly, suddenly stripped of all the emotion with which your world now inspires you, and try to imagine it as it exists, purely by itself, without your favorable or unfavorable, hopeful or apprehensive comment. Ft will be almost impossible for you to realize such a condition of negativity and deadness. No one portion of the universe would then have importance beyond another; and the whole collection of its things and series of its events would be without significance, character, expression, or perspective. Whatever of value, interest, or meaning our respective worlds may al3 pear endowed with are thus pure gifts of the spectator's mind. The passion of love is the most familiar and extreme example of this fact. If it comes, it comes; if it does not come, no process of reasoning can force it. Yet it trans forms the value of the creature loved as utterly as the sunrise transforms Mont Blanc from a corpse-like gray to a rosy enchantment; and it sets the whole world to a new tune for the lover and gives a new issue to his life. So with fear, with indignation, jealousy, ambition, worship. If they are there, life changes. And whether they shall be there or not depends almost always upon non-logical, often on organic conditions. And as the excited interest which these passions put into the world is our gift to the world, just so are the passions themselves gifts;—gifts to us, from sources sometimes low and some times high; but almost always non-logical and beyond our control. Gifts, either of the flesh or of the spirit; and the spirit blows where it lists, and the world's materials lend their surface passively to all the gifts alike, as the stage-setting receives indifferently whatever alternating colored lights may be shed upon it from the optical apparatus in the gallery.

Meanwhile the practically real world for each one of us, the effective world of the individual, is the compound world, the physical facts and emotional values in indistinguishable combination. Withdraw or pervert (使错乱) either factor of this complex resultant, and the kind of experience we call pathological ensues.

This passage mainly discusses ______.

A.the dual nature of the world in which we humans live

B.the effect of strong emotions

C.emotion and reality'

D.emotions and passions—gifts of the spectator's mind

Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what
they see. Chances are that you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.

Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic jam at the intersection. The third may say that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children in tow. For perception is the mind’s interpretation of what the senses — in this case our eyes — tell us.

Many psychologists today are working to try to determine just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific approach, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same scene.

1.What does the passage mainly tell us________

A、Perceiving has nothing to do with seeing.

B、Perceiving differs from seeing.

C、Seeing is closely connected to perceiving.

D、Seeing has much to do with perceiving.

2.The phrase “with four children in tow” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “________”.

A、with four children following closely behind her

B、with four children tied to each other with a rope

C、with four children dragging a rope held by her

D、with four children dragged in a small cart

3.According to the passage, perceiving is an action________ .

A、that tells us information through our eyes

B、that gives us senses in the mind

C、that explains what our senses tell us

D、that makes our mind different

4.The psychologists are trying to draw their conclusion ________.

A、by asking different people to tell how they perceive the same scene

B、by using a scientific approach in setting up their experiments

C、by determining how a person experiences the world around him

D、by measuring and charting the results of many experiments

5.Which of the following statements is NOT true________

A、Different people may perceive the same scene in a different way.

B、That a policeman gives a motorist a ticket means the motorist is fined.

C、No people share the same perception when they are asked to see the same scene.

D、The psychologists can control all of the factors in their experiments.

Given the advantages of electronic money, you might think that we would move quickly to th
e cashless society in which all payments are made electronically. 【C1】______, a true cashless society is probably not around the corner. Indeed, predictions have been【C2】______for two decades but have not yet come to fruition. For example, Business Week predicted in 1975 that electronic means of payment would soon "revolutionize the very【C3】______of money itself," only to【C4】______itself several years later. Why has the movement to a cashless society been so【C5】______in coming? Although electronic means of payment may be more efficient than a payments system based on paper, several factors work【C6】______the disappearance of the paper system. First, it is very 【C7】______to set up the computer, card reader, and telecommunications networks necessary to make electronic money the【C8】______form. of payment. Second, paper checks have the advantage that they【C9】______receipts, something that many consumers are unwilling to【C10】______. Third, the use of paper checks gives consumers several days of "float"—it takes several days【C11】______a check is cashed and funds are【C12】______from the issuer s account, which means that the writer of the check can earn interest on the funds in the meantime. 【C13】______electronic payments are immediate, they eliminate the float for the consumer. Fourth, electronic means of payment may【C14】______security and privacy concerns. We often hear media reports that an unauthorized hacker has been able to access a computer database and to alter information【C15】______there. The fact that this is not an【C16】______occurrence means that dishonest persons might be able to access bank accounts in electronic payments systems and【C17】______from someone else s accounts. The【C18】______of this type of fraud is no easy task, and a new field of computer science is developing to【C19】______security issues. A further concern is that the use of electronic means of payment leaves an electronic【C20】______that contains a large amount of personal data. There are concerns that government, employers, and marketers might be able to access these data, thereby violating our privacy.






Most Americans believe that good education is quite necessary to democracy and social
progress.Even during their colonial time the settlers attached great importance to setting up schools for their children, because these puritans(清教徒) were firm believers in education.

They tried hard to establish enough schools for their children.The schools were not only to teach children how to read, write and calculate but also to train clergymen(牧师) .The first college, Harvard, was set up in Massachusetts in 1636.Soon after, the colonial government passed a law requiring every town of more than 40 families to have a school and school master.By the mid-eighteenth century several well-known colleges were founded, including Columbia in New York and Princeton in New Jersey.They were used to train young people.Education did not develop very fast in the South where big plantation(农场) owners did not want to build schools for the children of the poor workers and slaves.Children from rich families usually went to England for higher education.This was one of the reasons why the South developed more slowly than the North.

Colonial schools laid the foundation for American educational system in which all the American schools were left to the care of communities or local authority.Compulsory education has been carried out and primary and secondary education has been open to American children free of charge for many years.

21.Education in most Americans'eyes is().

A.quite necessary for social development and democracy

B.important only for the earliest settlers

C.good as they have many famous universities

D.the basis of working hard

22.Which of the following was not a task of school? ()

A.To train clergymen.

B.To teach children how to read and write.

C.To teach children maths.

D.To send children to British universities.

23.The South America developed slowly because().

A.children in the South went to England for higher education

B.there were not many rich people in the South

C.not all rich children in the South had chances to go to school in England

D.education developed quite slowly in the South

24.American educational system was built().

A.on the basis of colonial educational system

B.after some famous colleges were founded

C.by churches as they hoped to train more clergymen

D.when many children from rich families went to England

25.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ()

A.Princeton University was founded around 1750s.

B.Colombia University was built in 1636.

C.Harvard University was founded by the American government.

D.A law was passed by the American government that a school should be built in every town.

Part ADirections: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by cho

Part A

Directions: Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

The United States Congress is a bicameral legislature. Two Houses-Senate and House of Representatives make the laws. Before a bill may be sent to the President to sign, both houses must approve. When great agreement exists on a bill, the law moves quickly. However, most suggested laws are complex and relate to interests and conflicts which need debate and careful consideration.

Both houses of Congress use the committee system to handle the numerous bills. A bill is referred to the committee responsible for that category -- whether taxation, foreign affairs, housing or whatever. In the committee the bill is studied, arguments are collected for and against, and advice is gathered from experts on the subject. Citizens have the chance to influence legislation through the committee system. If the committee votes favorably, the bill goes before the entire house. Usually, committee approval means favorable action by the Senate and House of Representatives.

As a result, membership on the more important committees is eagerly sought. How long a senator or representative has served in Congress is most important in assigning committee memberships. Usually the majority political party receives a majority of the memberships of each committee. In this way the party controls decisions because the real work and power of Congress lies in the system of committees. Some people protest that this system restricts laws, but most see this as the system that works best.

By using the context and word part clues, we may conclude that "bicameral" means _______.

A.Republicans and Democrats

B.two Houses

C.congressional system

D.law making procedure

Moral responsibility is all very well, but what about military orders? Is it not the soldi
er's duty to give instant obedience to orders given by his military superiors? And apart from duty, will not the soldier suffer severe punishment, even death, if he refuses to do what he is ordered to? If, then, a soldier is told by his superior to burn this house or to shoot that prisoner, how can he be held criminally accountable on the ground' that the burning or shooting was a violation of the laws of war?

These are some of the questions that are raised by the concept commonly called "superior orders", and its use as a defense in war crimes trials. It is an issue that must be as old as the laws of war themselves, and it emerged in legal guise over three centuries ago when, after the Stuart restoration in 1660, the commander of the guards at the trial and execution of Charles I was put on trial for treason and murder. The officer defended himself on the ground "that all I did was as a soldier, by the command of my superior officer whom I must obey or die," but the court gave him short shrift, saying that "When the command is traitorous, then the obedience to that command is also traitorous①."

Though not precisely articulated, the rule that is necessarily implied by this decision is that it is the soldier's duty to obey lawful orders, but that he may disobey—and indeed must, under some circum stances-unlawful orders. Such has been the law of the United States since the birth of the nation. In 1804, Chief Justice John Marshall declared that superior orders would justify a subordinate's conduct only "if not to perform. a prohibited act," and there are many other early decisions to the same effect.

A strikingly illustrative case occurred in the wake of that conflict which most Englishmen have never heard (although their troops burned the White House) and which we call the War of 1812. Our country was baldly split by that war too and, at a time when the United States Navy was not especially popular in New England, the ship-in-the-line Independence was lying in Boston Harbor. A passer-by directed abusive language at a marine standing guard on the ship, and the marine, Bevans by name, ran his bayonet through the man. Charged with murder, Bevans produced evidence that the marines on the Independence had been ordered to bayonet anyone showing them disrespect. The case was tried before Justice Joseph Story, next to Marshall, the leading judicial figure of those years, who charged that any such order as Bevans had invoked "would be illegal and void," and, if given and put into practice, both the superior and the subordinate would be guilty of murder②. In consequence, Bevans was convicted.

The order allegedly given to Bevans was pretty drastic, and Boston Harbor was not a battlefield; per haps it was not too much to expect the marine to realize that literal compliance might lead to bad trouble. But it is only too easy to conceive of circumstances where the matter might not be at all clear. Does the sub ordinate obey at peril that the order may later be ruled illegal, or is protected unless he has a good reason to doubt its validity?

It can be inferred from the first paragraph that if a soldier obeys his superior's order to burn a house or to kill a prisoner, ______.

A.he is fight according to moral standards

B.he should not receive any punishment

C.he should certainly be liable for his action

D.he will be convicted according to the law of war

Many people with ordinary jobs may dream of long holidays in foreign countries, but th
ey know they couldn’t afford them even if they could get enough time off from the company.However, there are a few businesses which have started schemes to reward employees with long service by giving them a chance to fulfill such ambitions by providing both the time and the money.

One company gives every employee over 50 years old and who has been with them for 25 years, six months’ holiday on full pay.At the same time additional money can be made available by way of loans, to help them with projects they cannot otherwise offer.Most of the people who have already benefited from the scheme, have used the opportunity to travel to distant places like the Far East or South America and some have spent the money on their favorite hobbies, such as photography.

The cost of providing these special holidays is fairly high but the directors feel it is well worthwhile because the employees are greatly refreshed by their long break from the pressures and routines of their jobs.The only problems are that the people concerned tend to have key jobs which can be difficult to fill on a temporary basis for a relatively long time.Besides, some employees find it difficult to re-adjust to the old routine after such a long time away.In addition, one or two people may not feel secure at leaving their job in someone else’s hands.On balance, however, there is no doubt that the idea is beneficial to industrial relations and a wonderful reward for long service.

31.Many workers would like to ___________.

A.dream of long holidays at home

B.spend a long time in unusual places

C.buy a holiday away from home

D.have a long holiday after many years

32.One company____________.

A.gives money to employees over 25 years

B.lends staff money to go on holidays

C.allows long holidays to certain staff

D.arranges long holidays for old employees

33.Most of the employees in the scheme ____________.

A.take foreign trips

B.develop their hobbies

C.take up photography

D.enjoy leisure activities

34.The directors feel that _____________.

A.the staff get a lot of pleasures from the scheme

B.older staff are very enthusiastic about holidays

C.the scheme is more expensive than they expected

D.the scheme is beneficial to staff relations

35.One of the problems is that ________________.

A.it is difficult to fill a temporary job

B.some employees are afraid of their colleagues

C.it is difficult for some people to re-adjust to the old routine after a long break

D.employees don’t feel secure when they are away

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