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Every time he reads, he _____the blank spaces on the page with notes.

A.always fills

B.is always filled

C.always fill of

D.is always full of

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更多“Every time he reads, he _____t…”相关的问题
He () to get to the station in time, but every seat had been taken.




D.is able to

Which of the following sentences is correct?()

A.She reads in the open in the morning everyday aloud

B.She reads aloud in the morning in the open every day

C.She reads in the morning in the open aloud every day

D.She reads aloud in the open in the morning every day

While flying in space, astronauts have no weight. It is a condition of weightlessness.
How does this affect their heart and blood vessels? What happens to their hearts and blood vessels when they go into space?

On earth gravity (引力) makes blood flow down towards the feet, so the heart must work to pump blood up. In space blood flows up towards the heart. The effect is similar to what happens when you lie with your feet up and your head down. The flowing blood is felt by receptors in the walls of arteries (动脉) in the upper part of the body and in the heart. These receptors send signals to the brain, but the brain reads them incorrectly. To the brain, the signals means the amount of blood in the body has increased, so the brain tells other parts of the body to react to the increase in the blood. For example, the body produces more urine (尿液), resulting in loss of body fluid and salt. At the same time the astronaut has less desire to drink and so does not replace the lost fluid.

As a spacecraft begins to fall back to earth atmosphere, the crew begins to feel gravity. Blood again flows towards the feet and collects there. The heart beats faster in an effort to pump enough blood to the brain. Some crew members may not get enough blood to the brain and the heart beats too fast. They become sick and even lose consciousness as their spacecraft reenters the earth atmosphere. To prevent this, special clothing is invited for astronauts to prevent blood collecting in their legs. They put it on just before the craft reenters the earth’s atmosphere. They also drink about a liter (升) of water and eat some salt to replace the fluid they have lost while in space.

Weightlessness affects the heart and blood vessels in another way. The heart does not work as hard in a weightless environment as it does in an environment of gravity. When the heart works less hard, the heart muscles become weaker. It is replaced by fibrous tissue and fat

41.If one lies with his feet up and his head down on earth, his()

A.blood will flow up towards the heart.

B.blood will flow down towards the feet.

C.heart will pump the blood up to the head.

D.heart will have to work harder.

42.What can we infer from the second paragraph of the passage()

A.The brain reads the signals incorrectly because it tends to go wrong in outer space

B.In space an astronaut should drink some water even when he does not feel thirsty.

C.In space the amount of water in the body of an astronaut increase.

D.The receptors in the walls of arteries often send wrong signals to the brain.

43.When the spacecraft reenters the earth’s atmosphere some astronauts become sick or even lose consciousness because()

A.their brains cannot get enough blood

B.their hearts are not strong enough

C.their blood collects in their feet

D.they begin to feel the gravity again

44.When the spacecraft enter the earth’s atmosphere, the astronauts should do the following except()

A.trying to regain their consciousness

B.eating some salt

C.drinking some water.

D.putting on special clothing

45.After a long time in space, an astronaut’s heart muscles become weaker because()

A.they are short of exercises when the heart works less hard.

B.the heart works too hard under an environment of weightlessness.

C.the astronaut’s hard work puts too great a burden on the heart.

D.they are completely replaced by fibrous tissue and fat.

In every country parents always remember the first time their child _____ the word “
In every country parents always remember the first time their child _____ the word “Mama” or “Dad.”

At one time or another every thinking person had speculated about his place in the()





He has to take three pills ________.

A.in a time

B.at a time

C.for a time

D.on a time

Being half the size of the other boys,he got.absolutely nowhere.The young man was dete

rmined to try his best at every practice,and perhaps he'd get to play when he became a senior.He ran,passed,blocked,and tackled like a star.His team began to triumph.In the closing seconds of the game,this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown.

The boy spent as much time playing computer games as he()studying.





Even if he was at school for a long time, he could ______ read and write.





I began teaching at the James School twenty-two years ago when I was twenty -six.In th
ose days the place was very different.But time changes, and of course education theory changes, too.Methods and materials change.Even the classroom looks different.

Twenty years ago, our classroom was a lot less pleasant.Very old-fashioned.We had fewer window, for example.There were five rows of desks, six desks in a row.Since everything was nailed to the floor, a student sat in the same place all day long.Oh, we had to be very strict.Now students move all over the room.They go to different areas for different subjects, and they write at these movable desks.The students are more mobile, and beca use they’re more mobile, they’re less restless, and because they’re less restless, they are more attentive.At least that’s the theory.And as a matter of fact, we really don’t have many behavior. problems here.

We use a modified open classroom system here at the James.I’ll try to explain what that means.Each student makes a work contract with his teacher.Basically, he agrees to a certain amount of work on a certain project.He hands the work in when he gets it done.He works at his own speed and plans h is own time.If he is particularly motivated in one subject—math, for instance—he can explore the subject more thoroughly than the others.But he must also complete his contract in arts or reading or social science.Freedom within a structured system: that ’s what we are trying to offer.

1.Now, the author of this passage must be in his ().





2.Now we really do not have many behavior. problems in the classroom because().

A.the students are more mobile and attentive

B.the teachers are more strict

C.the teachers are less strict

D.the students are less attentive and restless

3.The main idea of the third paragraph is about().

A.the characteristic of the modified open classroom system

B.the characteristic of the work contract

C.the freedom of the students

D.the generosity of the teachers

4.In a modifie d open classroom system,().

A.the student needn’t do any home work

B.the student can get more freedom in their study

C.the subject that the student should learn is decided by the teacher

D.there is not any discipline that the student should obey

5.According to the author, the educational system today is().

A.more strict and attentive

B.more pleasant and efficient

C.is similar to the educational system twenty years age

D.is sa tisfied by every teacher and student

Which of the following statements about software life cycle is true? ___________
A、Software life cycle is the repetitive nature of software testing

B、Every software system has its life cycle

C、Software life cycle is the period of time that a software product is in service

D、Software life cycle is the cycling through phases of specification, design, implementation, and testing

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