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Perhaps the most controversial measure taken to achieve school _______ in America has





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By about AD.500 the Mound Builder (筑堤人) culture was declining,perhaps because of at
By about AD.500 the Mound Builder (筑堤人) culture was declining,perhaps because of at

tacks from other tribes or perhaps because of severe climatic changes that undermined agriculture.To the west another culture,based on intensive agriculture,was beginning to flourish.Its center was beneath

present-day St.Louis,and it radiated out to encompass most of the Mississippi watershed,from Wisconsin to Louisians and from Oklahoma to Tennessee.Thousands of villages were included in its orbit.By about AD.700 this Mississippian culture,as is known to archaeologists,began to send its influence eastward to transform. the life of most of the less technologically advanced woodland tribes.Like the Mound Builders of the

Ohio region,these tribes,probably influenced by Meso-American cultures through trade and warfare,built gigantic mounds as burial and ceremonial places.The largest of them,rising In four terraces to a height of one hundred feet,has a rectangular base of nearly fifteen acres,larger than that of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.Built between AD.900 and 1100 this huge earthwork faces the site of a palisaded (用栅围护) Indian city which contained more than one hundred small artificial mounds marking burial sites.Spread among them was a vast settlement containing some 30 000 people by current estimations.The finely crafted ornaments and tools recovered at Cahokia,as this center of Misissippi culture is called,

include elaborate ceramics (陶器) finely sculpted stonework,carefully embossed and engraved copper and mica (云母) sheets,and one funeral blanket fashioned from 12 000 shell beads.They indicate that Cahokia was a true urban center,with clustered housing,markets,and specialists in toolmaking,hide-dressing,potting,jewelry-making,weaving,and salt-making.

1.What is the main topic of the passage?()

A.The Mississippian culture

B.The decline of Mound Builder culture

C.The architecture of Meso-American Indians

D.the eastern woodlands tribes.

2.The paragraph preceding this one most probably discussed.()

A.the Mound Builder culture

B.warfare in AD.500

C.the geography of the Mississippi area

D.agriculture near the Mississippi River

3.In relation to the Mississippian culture,the Mound Builder culture was located().

A.in essentially the same area

B.farther south along the watershed

C.to the east

D.to the west

4.The Mississippian culture influenced the culture of the().

A.eastern woodland tribes

B.Mound Builders



5.According to the passage,the mounds were used as().

A.palaces for the royal families

B.fortresses for defense

C.centers for conducting trade

D.places for burying the dead

People all have problems. If we don't deal with these problems, we can easily become
unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems? There are many ways and here is one of them

Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn't like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendship may be lost.

When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us to learn.

25、What is the writer?()

A.A shopkeeper

B.A doctor

C.A student

D.A dentist

26、What is the main idea of the passage?()

A.How to deal with problems

B.How to do at school

C.How to behave with families

D.How to talk to each other

27、What will happen if people stay angry for long according to the text?()

A.They feel unfair

B.They may get sick

C.Good friendship may be lost

D.They may miss each other

28、From the passage, we know an important lesson for us is()

A.playing together

B.learning to forget

C.staying angry

D.feeling unfair

Paris is the capital of the European nation of France.It is also one of the most beaut
iful and most famous cities in the world.

Paris is called the City of Light.It is also an international fashion center.What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world.Paris is also a famous world center of education.For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

The Seine River divides the city into two parts.Thirty-two bridges cross this river.The oldest and perhaps most well-known is the Pont Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century.The Sorbonne, a famous university, is located on the Left Band (south side) of the river.The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill called Montmartre on the Right Band (north side) of the Seine.

There are many other famous places in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris as well as the Cathedral of Notre Dame is named after a group of people called the Parisi.They built a small village on an island, in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago.This island called the llede La Cite is where Notre Dame is located.Today around eight million people live in the Paris area.

1.A good title for this selection is().

A.The French Language

B.The City of Pairs

C.Education and Culture in France

D.The SenUior River

2.The word “headquarters”in line 5 means().



C.main office

D.25 percent

3.We may conclude that Notre Dame is located()

A.on the Left Bank

B.On the Right Bank

C.In the middle of the Senior River

D.On neither bank

4.The Pont Neuf was built in ()

A.the 1500s

B.the 1600s

C.the 1700s

D.the 1400s

5.The population in the Pairs area is around()

A.two million

B eight million

C.sixteen million

D.eighteen million

Most publishing is now "electronic" in the sense that books, magazines and newspapers are
prepared on computers, and exist as computer files before they are printed on paper. Often there are advantages to give readers access to the electronic versions of publications as well as--or even instead of--the printed versions.

Print publications have lots of advantages. Paper is pleasant to handle, easy to read, and very portable: you can read it almost anywhere. On the other hand, print has its weaknesses. Paper is expensive, and articles are often cut to fit the space available, printing and distributing paper is expensive and takes time. Printed materials are expensive to store and almost impossible to search. Electronic publishing offers solutions to all these problems.

Suppose a publisher makes the electronic copy of a newspaper or magazine available from the net, perhaps on the Internets World Wide Web. No paper is used and disc space is cheap, so internet publishing costs very little. Articles don' t have to be cut (though there is of course a limit to the amount people are willing to read on line). Internet publishing is fast, and readers can access material as soon as it becomes available: within minutes, instead of the next day, next week or next month. Internet publishing goes beyond geographical boundaries: the humblest local paper can be read everywhere form. New York to London to Delhi to Tokyo, Delivery costs are low because there are no newsagents to pay, and no postal charges: readers pick up the bills for their on-line sessions, also, computer-based publications are simple to store (on disc) and every word can be, searched electronically.

At the moment, newspapers and magazines, TV and radio stations, news agencies and book publishers are making content freely available on the Web because they are competing for "mind share". Perhaps they want to find out if they can attract and hold an audience on line, or perhaps they are afraid of missing out because "everyone else is doing it." But don' t count on things staying that way. Publishers are not in business to lose money.

What does the author probably foresee?

A.Readers will have more accesses.

B.Books and newspapers will be kept as computer files.

C.It will not make any sense to keep the printed versions.

D.Electronic publications will replace printed ones.

Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He k
new that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.

The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.

1. What does “This did not help to make him less lonely” mean?()

A、Robert felt more lonely because the other boys wanted to test him.

B、Robert did not want himself to be less lonely.

C、Robert felt as lonely as before when the other boys tried to find out what kind of a boy he was.

D、The other boys did not want to make Robert feel less lonely.

There are different ideas about pets in different parts of the world.In most cultures,
animals are in a worse position than human beings.In some cases, however, people treat their pets like members of their families, or perhaps better.In the United States and Europe, there are special shops that sell clothing and food for cats and dogs.

In many countries of the world, there is special food for pets.It is common for big markets in many places to sell cat food and dog food.However, in a small town in France, there is a special restaurant for dogs.Dogs are the only customers.There is seating for twenty of them.The dogs choose from a variety of dishes on the menu.

Of course, in most parts of the world, pets don’t live in such wealth and comfort.P eople treat their pets in a more practical way.People own cats and dogs because they keep away mice and other unwanted animals.Owners have some loving feelings for their pets, but they do not see them as equal to family members.In most places in the world, there isn't any special clothing or fine food for animals.There aren’t any special restaurants for dogs.

Pets around the world live in a great variety of ways, just as people do.

21.According to the passage, in most countries _______________.

A.animals are in a worse position than human beings

B.people treat their pets like members of their families

C.there are special shops that sell clothing for dogs and cats

D.pets such as dogs and cats are very popular

22.According to the passage, there are _________________.

A.a few restaurants for dogs in every city in France

B.many owners of dogs and cats in the United States and Europe

C.no dogs or cats that wear clothing

D.some people who treat their pets far better than they treat their children

23.For many people, pets may have a more practical function because _______________.

A.pets are often useful companions for old people

B.cats and dogs can be used to keep away mice

C.pets can sometimes be sold to make money

D.some pets may show loving feelings for their owners

24.In your opinion, which of the following sentences is probably true?

A.Dogs and cats like to wear expensive clothing.

B.Many people visit the dog restaurant in France.

C.In some cases, animals have better food and clothing than people.

D.People in every part of the world like to buy fine clothing for their pets.

25.The main idea of this reading passage is _______________.

A.Dogs enjoy fine restaurants

B.A rich cat can afford to go to any restaurant

C.It is stupid to have special food and clothing for animals

D.People treat pets in very different ways in different parts of the world

While I was waiting to enter university, I saw in a newspaper a teaching job wanted at
a school about ten miles from where I lived. Being very short of money and wanting to do something useful, I applied, fearing as I did so, that without a degree and with no __1__ of teaching my chances of getting the job were slight.

However, three days later, a letter arrived, calling me to Croydon for a meeting with the headmaster. It was clearly the headmaster himself __2__ open the door. He was short and round.

"The school," he said, "is made up of one class of twenty-four boys between seven and thirteen." I should have to teach all the subjects except art, which he taught himself. I should have to divide the class into three groups and teach them in turn at three different __3__. And I was disappointed at the thought of teaching maths, a subject at which I wasn't very good at school. Worse perhaps was the idea of __4__ to teach them on Saturday afternoon because most of my friends would be enjoying themselves at that time.

Before I had time to ask about my salary, he got up to his __5__. "Now," he said, "you'd better meet my wife. She is the one who really runs this school."



































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