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His business ____ his assistant while he is away on vacation.

A.will be trusted to

B.will be entrusted to

C.will be trusted with

D.will be entrusted with

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更多“His business ____ his assistan…”相关的问题
If he _____ his business affairs in the careless way he deals with his private affairs,
he will be in trouble.





There is a business letter below. After reading it, you should give brief answers to t
he 5 questions (No.41 through No.45) that follow. The answevs (in not more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

Gmail(Google Email)Notice

Subject: Your Gmail account has bean inactive for a long time

From “The Gmail Team”gmail-noreply@gmail,com

Time2008-06-26 14:12:15

To wanghaiyan@163.com

Hi there,

We’ve noticed that you haven’t used your Gmail account,wanghaiyan@ gmail.com,for quite some time.In order to make Gmail better for our users,we’ve added a lot of things in the last few months and we hope you’ll want to start using your account again.

Stop worrying about storage(存储量).Your account now has 5000 megabytes(兆字节)of free storage and our plan is to continue growing your storage by giving you more space as we are able.

The Gmail interface(界面)is now available in 12 languages.If you don’t see the language you want on this list.Look for it in the future because we’re going to keep adding more.

We’re still working hard every day to build for you the best email service around.But to keep Gmail great for our users.we may have to close inactive accounts after 9 months.So,we hope you’11 give us another chance.To log in(登录)to your Gmail account,just visit:http://gmail,google,com.


The Gmail Team

41.Why does the Gmail Team write to the Gmail user?

Because the user hasn’t used his/her Gmail_______for quite some time.

42.What kind of storage the user’s account now has?

It now has 5,000 megabytes of_________________________storage.

43.How many languages are available in the Gmail interface now?


44.What may happen to the user’s account if it is inactive for 9 months?

The Gmail team may have to_______________the user’s account.

45.What is the purpose of the Gmail team in sending this email?

They hope the user will______________the account.

2 David Gould set up his accounting firm, providing accounting services to small businesse
s, in 2001. Within three

years his fee income was in excess of £100K a year and he had nearly 100 clients most of whom had been gained

through word of mouth. David recognised that these small or micro businesses, typically employing ten or fewer

people, were receiving less than satisfactory service from their current accountants. These accounting firms typically

had between five and ten partners and operated regionally and not nationally. Evidence of poor service included

limited access to their particular accountant, poor response time to clients’ enquiries and failure to identify

opportunities to save clients money. In addition bad advice, lack of interest in business development opportunities for

the client and poor internal communication between the partners and their staff contributed to client dissatisfaction.

David has deliberately kept the costs of the business down by employing three part-time accountants and relying on

his wife to run the office.

David had recently met Ian King who ran a similar sized accounting firm. The personal chemistry between the two

and complementary skills led to a partnership being proposed. Gould and King Associates, subject to securing the

necessary funding, is to be launched in September 2006. David is to focus on the business development side of the

partnership and Ian on the core services provided. Indicative of their creative thinking is David’s conviction that

accounting services are promoted very inadequately with little attempt to communicate with clients using the Internet.

He is also convinced that there are real opportunities for the partnership to move into new areas such as providing

accountancy services for property developers, both at home and abroad. Ian feels that the partnership should set up

its own subsidiary in India, enjoying the benefits of much cheaper accountancy staff and avoiding the costs and

complications of outsourcing their core accounting services. Ian sees fee income growing to £2 million in five years’


David has been asked by his bank to provide it with a business plan setting out how the partnership intends to grow

and develop.


(a) Write a short report for David giving the key features that you consider to be important and that you would

expect to see in the business plan for the Gould and King partnership that David has to present to his bank.

(12 marks)

Soldiers and other military people wear uniforms with various other symbols to indicate
their status.But in the business world everyone wears more or less similar suits,and you cannot tell at a glance who ranks higher or lower than another.So how do people in the business world show their superiority? An attempt to study this was made by two researchers using a series of silent films.They had two actors play the parts of an executive(经理)and a visitor,and switch roles each time.The scene had one man at his desk playing the part of an executive,while the other,playing the part of a visitor,knocks at the door,opens it and approaches the desk to discuss some business matter.

The audience watching the films was asked to rate the executive and the visitor in terms of status.A certain set of rules about status began to emerge from the ratings.The visitor showed the least amount of status when he stopped just inside the door to talk across the room to the seated man.He was considered to have more status when he walked halfway up to the desk,and he had the most status when he walked directly up to the desk and stood right in front Of the seated executive.

Another thing that affected the status of the visitor in the eyes of the observers was the time between knocking and entering.For the seated executive,his status was also affected by the time between hearing the knock and answering.The quicker the visitor entered the room,the more status he had.The longer the executive took to answer,the more status he had.

11.The experiment designed by the two researchers aimed at finding out().

A、how business is conducted by an executive and a visitor

B、how to tell the differences between an executive and a visitor

C、how to tell businessmen at a glance

D、how businessmen indicate status

12.Which ofthe statements can best sum up the passage().

A、The executive has a higher status than the visitor.

B、Mitary people wear uniforms but the businessmen do not

C、Astudy revealing a set of rules about the stalus of businessmen.

D、tisa good melthod to use a series of silent fim in research

13.Having entered the room, the closer the visitor approaches the executive,().

A、the less it affected his status

B、the lower his status

C、the more it affected his status

D、the higher his status

14.The longer the seated man was in answering the knock,().

A、the higher his status

B、the less it affected his status

C、the lower his status

D、the more it affected his status

15.Which statementis NOT true().

A、Soldiers wear uniforms with various symbols so that one can tell their status ata glance.

B、In the experiment, one actor played the executive while the other played the seated man

C、Business people wear similar suits.

D、The audience watching the flim rated the executve and the vsitor in tems of status

Richard Williams works hard. He’s clever, careful, and fast. His work is dangerous. Ri
chard thinks of himself as a professional—a professional thief.

Yesterday was a typical day. Richard dressed in a business suit, took his briefcase (手提箱) , and drove to a town about ten miles from his home.

He parked his car in a busy area, then began to walk along the street.No one looked at him. He was another businessman walking to work.

At 8:05, Richard saw what he wanted. A man was leaving his house.

Richard walked around the block again. At 8: 10, he watched a woman leave the same house. After she left, Richard worked quickly. He walked to the side of the house and stood behind a tree. He took a screwdriver (螺丝刀) out of his briefcase and quickly opened the window and climbed in.

First, he looked through the desk in the living room. He found $ 200 in cash. In the dining room, he put the silverware (银器) into his briefcase.

The next stop was the bedroom. Richard stole a diamond ring and an emerald(祖母绿宝石) necklace. Richard passed a color TV, a stereo (音响) , and a camera, but he didn’t touch them. Everything had to fit into his briefcase. In less than five minutes, Rich and climbed back out the window.He looked around carefully, then began his walk down the street again.No one looked at him. He was just another businessman, walking to work.

1.Why did Richard wear a business suit?()

A、Because he is a professional

B、Because he didn’t want to draw others’ attention to him

C、Because he works hard

D、Because he is a thief

2. Richard ____ , after the man left his house.

A、stood behind a tree

B、entered the house

C、walked around the block again

D、opened the window with a screwdriver

3.No one saw Richard get into the house because ____.

A、it was night time

B、he ran very fast

C、he stood behind a tree

D、he was very clever

4.How long did Richard stay in the house?____

A、Five minutes

B、One hour

C、Nearly five minutes

D、Fifteen minutes

5.The reason why Richard didn’t take the TV set is that ____.

A、it is too big to carry

B、it is too heavy to carry

C、it is worth nothing

D、it is difficult for him to carry such a thing without being noticed

Li Qiang has been in Beijing for a few days. He wants to visit the China Railway Museu
m. He asks his friend Ma Kai for help. Li Qiang: Hi, Ma Kai. Do you know the China Railway Museum? I heard that many people all over the world visit it every day. Ma Kai: Yeah. It is the () professional museum about the railway system in China. Li Qiang: Oh, really? It must be () . Ma Kai: Yes, you.ll be able to see a large number of () objects, () ,photos, () and multi-media, etc. All these will give you a detailed () to the development of the Chinese railway system in the past century. Li Qiang: Where is the Museum () ? Ma Kai: It is located in Chaoyang District, about 15 kilometers () of downtown Beijing. Li Qiang: Is it () for you to take my brother and me there? I.d like someone () with the museum to go with us. Ma Kai: Sure, I.d be very glad to be your tour guide.

Peter Chang is an employee of the U. S. Department of Agriculture in the northern sect
ion of the San Joaquin Valley in California-one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world. Recently, Peter was promoted to the position of agricultural loan clerk.

In his new position, he has many reports to read-reports from farmers who are applying for loans; status reports from farmers who have received loans; and reports from his employer, the federal government, on new loan programs.

After reading so many reports, Peter wonders,“Why are reports so different?"Some are long, some are short. Some are simple, some are complex. Some are easy to read, some are difficult to read. Some are coherent, some are. not. Some make recommendations, some do not. Why are reports so different?

1.The San Joaquin Valley in California is one of the most().

A.famous industrial areas

B.popular tourist attractions

C.productive agricultural areas

2. What does Peter do in his new position? ()

A.He reads many reports from several aspects

B.He writes many reports for farmers and banks

C.He is in charge of investment and marketing

3. Why the farmers write reports to Peter?()

A.To make conclusions

B.To apply for loans

C.To do business with him

4. From reading reports, Peter finds that().

A.most of the reports are well written

B.farmers are good at writing reports

C.the reports show great difference

5.What do you think the author will talk later?()

A.The difficulty of the farmers

B.The position of Peter' s supervisor

C.The reasons causing difference of reports

3 Mark Howe, Managing Director of Auto Direct, is a victim of his own success. Mark has cr
eated an innovative way

of selling cars to the public which takes advantage of the greater freedom given to independent car distributors to

market cars more aggressively within the European Union. This reduces the traditional control and interference of the

automobile manufacturers, some of whom own their distributors. He has opened a number of showrooms in the

London region and by 2004 Auto Direct had 20 outlets in and around London. The concept is deceptively simple;

Mark buys cars from wherever he can source them most cheaply and has access to all of the leading volume car

models. He then concentrates on selling the cars to the public, leaving servicing and repair work to other specialist

garages. He offers a classic high volume/low margin business model.

Mark now wants to develop this business model onto a national and eventually an international basis. His immediate

plans are to grow the number of outlets by 50% each year for the next three years. Such growth will place

considerable strain on the existing organisation and staff. Each showroom has its own management team, sales

personnel and administration. Currently the 20 showrooms are grouped into a Northern and Southern Sales Division

with a small head office team for each division. Auto Direct now employs 250 people.

Mark now needs to communicate the next three-year phase of the company’s ambitious growth plans to staff and is

anxious to get an understanding of staff attitudes towards the company and its growth plans. He is aware that you

are a consultant used to advising firms on the changes associated with rapid growth and the way to generate positive

staff attitudes to change.


(a) Using appropriate strategies for managing change provide Mark with a brief report on how he can best create

a positive staff response to the proposed growth plans. (12 marks)

3 Joe Lawson is founder and Managing Director of Lawson Engineering, a medium sized, priva
tely owned family

business specialising in the design and manufacture of precision engineering products. Its customers are major

industrial customers in the aerospace, automotive and chemical industries, many of which are globally recognised

companies. Lawson prides itself on the long-term relationships it has built up with these high profile customers. The

strength of these relationships is built on Lawson’s worldwide reputation for engineering excellence, which has

tangible recognition in its gaining prestigious international awards for product and process innovation and quality

performance. Lawson Engineering is a company name well known in its chosen international markets. Its reputation

has been enhanced by the awarding of a significant number of worldwide patents for the highly innovative products

it has designed. This in turn reflects the commitment to recruiting highly skilled engineers, facilitating positive staff

development and investing in significant research and development.

Its products command premium prices and are key to the superior performance of its customers’ products. Lawson

Engineering has also established long-term relationships with its main suppliers, particularly those making the exotic

materials built into their advanced products. Such relationships are crucial in research and development projects,

some of which take a number of years to come to fruition. Joe Lawson epitomises the ‘can do’ philosophy of the

company, always willing to take on the complex engineering challenges presented by his demanding customers.

Lawson Engineering now faces problems caused by its own success. Its current location, premises and facilities are

inadequate to allow the continued growth of the company. Joe is faced with the need to fund a new, expensive,

purpose-built facility on a new industrial estate. Although successful against a number of performance criteria, Lawson

Engineering’s performance against traditional financial measures has been relatively modest and unlikely to impress

the financial backers Joe wants to provide the necessary long-term capital.

Joe has become aware of the increasing attention paid to the intangible resources of a firm in a business. He

understands that you, as a strategy consultant, can advise him on the best way to show that his business should be

judged on the complete range of assets it possesses.


(a) Using models where appropriate, provide Joe with a resource analysis showing why the company’s intangible

resources and related capabilities should be taken into account when assessing Lawson Engineering’s case

for financial support. (12 marks)

In 1955, a man named Raymond Kroc entered a partnership with two brothers named McDona
ld. They opened a popular restaurant in California which sold food that was easy to prepare and serve quickly. Hamburgers, French fries, and cold drinks were the main food there. Kroc opened similar eating places under the same name, "McDonald's", and they were an instant success. He later took over the company, and today it is one of the most famous and successful "fast-food" in America and the world. Why was his idea so successful? Probably the most important reason was that this timing was right. In the 1950s, most married women stayed home to keep house and take care of their children. In the 1960s, many women returned to the workplace. This meant they had less time and energy to do housework and preparation of meals, so they relied more on "TV dinners" and fast-food restaurant. Single parents also have little time to spend in the kitchen. People living alone also depend on this type of food, since cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth.

Fast-food is not part of the diet of all Americans. Another trend of the 1960s, sometimes called the back-to-nature movement influenced many people to avoid food that was packaged or processed(处理). This preference for natural food continued to this day.

From the success of Raymond Kroc’s fast-food business, we can say that social economic trends influence where and what we eat.

1.The main idea of the reading is that ().

A、Raymond Kroc is the most successful fast-food business owner in the world

B、social and economic changes affect eating habits

C、fast-food is easy to prepare and serve quickly

D、Americans eat either fast food or natural food

2.Why was McDonald''s idea so successful? It was mainly because ().

A、people living alone depend on fast food

B、single parents have little time to spend in the kitchen

C、many women returned to the workplace in 1960s

D、his timing was right

3.Americans had the "movements"().

A、in 1955

B、in 1950s

C、in 1960s

D、both in 1950s and 1960s

4."Cooking for one is more trouble than it is worth" means ().

A、cooking for several people is worth more money

B、it is not necessary to take too much time to cook for one person

C、there are more problems when one person cooks

D、there are a lot of housework and preparation to do when one person cooks

5.An idea implied but not directly stated (陈述) in the reading is that ().

A、many married women began to work in the 1960s

B、natural foods are still popular today

C、fast food is not part of the diet of all Americans

D、divorce causes people to change their eating habits

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