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Yet some important observers of business see things differently. Widely read gurus su

ch as Stephen Covey and Tom Peters point to the practical utility of moral virtues such as compassion, responsibility, fairness, and honesty. They suggest that virtue is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success, and that moral standards are not merely commendable choices but necessary components of a thriving business career. This is a frequent theme in commencement addresses and other personal testimonials: Virtuous behavior. advances a career in the long run by building trust and reputation, whereas ethical shortcomings eventually derail careers. The humorist Dorothy Parker captured this idea in one of her signature quips: "Time wounds all heels."

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In some countries, New Year’s Eve is the most important celebration of the year, but th
In some countries, New Year’s Eve is the most important celebration of the year, but this is not true of the United States or Europe.翻译

It is most startling to hear a watch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click in
dicating the shortening of one’s life by a little bit. Likewise, with each page turn off the wall calender, one’s life is shortened by another day. Time, therefore, is life. Nevertheless, few people treasure their time as much as their life. Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bit in your remaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself and help others, so that your life may turn out to be significant and fruitful. All that is foolproof, yet few people really strive to make the best use of their time.(英译中)

For decades, arms-control talks centered on nuclear weapons. This is hardly surprising
For decades, arms-control talks centered on nuclear weapons. This is hardly surprising, since a single nuclear bomb can destroy an entire city. Yet, unlike smaller arms, these immensely powerful weapons have not been used in war in over 50 years.

Historian John Keegan writes: “Nuclear weapons have, since August 9, 1945, killed no one. The 50,000,000 who have died in war since that date have for the most part, been killed by cheap, mass-produced weapons and small ammunition, costing little more than the transistor radios which have flooded the world in the same period. Because small weapons have disrupted life very little in the advanced world, outside the restricted localities where drug-dealing and political terrorism flourish, the populations of the rich states have been slow to recognize the horror that this pollution has brought in its train.

Why have small arms become the weapons of choice in recent wars? Part of the reason lies in the relationship between conflict and poverty. Most of the wars fought during the 1990s took place in countries that are poor----too poor to buy sophisticated weapon systems. Small arms and light weapons are a bargain. For example, 50 million dollars, which is approximately the cost of a single modern jet fighter, can equip an army with 200,000 assault rifles.

Another reason why small weapons are so popular is that they are lethal. A single rapid-fire assault rifle can fire hundreds of rounds a minute. They are also easy to use and maintain. A child of ten can be taught to strip and reassemble a typical assault rifle. A child can also quickly learn to aim and fire that rifle into a crowd of people.

The global traffic in guns is complex. The illegal trade of small arms is big. In some African wars, paramilitary groups have bought billions of dollars’ worth of small arms and light weapons, not with money, but with diamonds seized from diamond-mining areas.

Weapons are also linked to the illegal trade in drugs. It is not unusual for criminal organizations to use the same routes to smuggle drugs in one direction and to smuggle guns in the other.

11. It is implied in the passage that _____.

A、the nuclear arms-control talks can never reach an agreement

B、small arms-control is more important than nuclear arms-control

C、the power of nuclear weapons to kill people has been diminished

D、unclear weapons were the topic of arms-control talks 50 years ago

12. The advanced world neglect the problems of small arms because ____.

A、They have to deal with drug-dealing and political terrorism.

B、They have no such problems as are caused by small weapons.

C、They face other more important problems such as pollution.

D、They have not recognized the seriousness of the problems in time.

13. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the reason for the prevalence of small arms?

A、Small arms are cheap.

B、Small arms are powerful.

C、Small arms are easier to use.

D、Small arms are easier to get.

14. We can conclude from the passage that _____.

A、small arms are not expensive in the black-market

B、it is unfair to exchange small arms for diamond

C、criminals use the same passage to smuggle drugs and small arms

D、where there are drugs, there are small arms

15. The best title for this passage is _____.

A、Small Arms Talks, Not Nuclear Arms Talks.

B、Neglect of Small Arms Control.

C、Global Traffic in Small Arms.

D、Small Arms, Big Problems.

The brand name puts a face on every company、Names like McDonald‟s, GM, Apple, Intel, and
a large number of others have long

become very popular、They‟ve also given customers a point of reference when thinking about a company、Good brand might help

companies avoid costs and bring them greater profits.

Usually companies create names that are easy to learn and remember、Firstly the name should create interest、Rhymes and humor are

some ways to gain interest, but there are others as well、Think about your customers and what would interest them、Secondly, the name

should present a picture or image、People remember them most because the name is stored in pictures and words、Thirdly, the name

should be meaningful、It can be done with lots of advertising, but names that are themselves more meaningful to customers are more

easily stored in memory、More important, the name should have meaningful associations that show the benefits customers want、Then the

name should have some emotion、Emotional associations are easier to learn and remember、The Love Boat, for instance, is very easy to

remember、Finally, the name should be simple so that it is easier to learn and remember.

16、Why does the passage mention the brand names such as McDonald‟s and GM in the first paragraph?()

A、To show that a good brand name is significant for a company.

B、To tell readers that they are important and popular terms.

C、To introduce some well-known brand names to readers.

D、To explain why those companies are successful.

17、According to passage, a good brand name___________.

A、must be shown in pictures B、must be advertised a lot

C、is attractive to customers D、is always full of humor

18、Which of the following is most important in thinking a brand name popular?()

A、Being easy to remember、B、Having lots of advertisements.

C、Gaining support from association、D、Showing the benefits customers can have.

19、Which of the following statement is TRUE?()

A、People prefer strange brand names to ordinary ones.

B、Customers re interested in emotional brand names.

C、Brand names advertised in pictures are easy to make.

D、A brand name has little to do with a company‟s profits.

20、What is the main purpose of this passage?()

A、To tell how difficult it is to make a good brand name.

B、To compare different ways of choosing brand names.

C、To recommend some popular brand names.

D、To introduce what a good brand name is

The typical (good) Chinese manager operates in a very hand-on style. and is familiar
The typical (good) Chinese manager operates in a very hand-on style. and is familiar

with all aspects of the business. He or she delegates far less than his or her Western counterpart, spends less time in meetings, less time consulting and more time actually making decisions and implementing policy. Some recent surveys have suggested that Chinese managers believe that traveling and meetings are the least important aspects of their jobs; they would rather spend more time doing deskwork, assessing and evaluating information and making decisions. It is interesting that only 31 percent of the sample believed that scheduled meetings were an important activity and only 4 percent believed that unscheduled meetings were important.

A. In B. to C. as D.first E.byFor most people,learning a foreign language does not come
A. In B. to C. as D.first E.by

For most people,learning a foreign language does not come easy,for it requires hard work and consistency. ____1 and foremost,there must be some motivations for learning a language.Are you planning to head to a foreign destination? Is learning a language on your wish list? Is it important for job advancement? ____2 any measure,the critical success factor is how much time you are taking to involve yourself ___3 the language.The more time you dedicate ____4 the language,the quicker you will learn.So,what does spending time really mean? It means listening,reading,writing,speaking,and studying words and phrases at every available opportunity.Involve as many senses _____5 possible in the learning process.

—Why did you go to the travel agency yesterday?—_________
—Why did you go to the travel agency yesterday?—_________

A. At 8 o’clock

B. I drove there myself

C. For some information

D. In the East street

阅读理解 Passage 1   Manners evolved differently i...

阅读理解 Passage 1   Manners evolved differently in different cultures. In earlier times there was a tendency for manners to become increasingly formal, and this was often viewed as progress. In the 18th and 19th centuries having good manners was seen as an important part of one’s education and social class, and it was necessary to be taken as a lady or a gentleman to get ahead in the world.   In the 20th and 21st centuries, manners have gradually become more relaxed and informal. The hosting of dinners and other social gatherings are no longer the exclusive privilege of the wealthy elite (精英), and private clubs are being gradually replaced by more open meeting places. So the manners of the salon (沙龙) are gradually combining with the manners of the pub. Clothing is a good indication of the changes in manners, as can be seen in the following examples.   It is surprising that the wearing of hats indoors by males is once again becoming acceptable. Students in North America often wear baseball caps to class. In many countries the wearing of hats indoors by males was once acceptable even in very polite society, but over the years this became considered as a lower-class behavior. and was thus discouraged in both the middle and upper classes. The young people who wear hats indoors do not realize they are actually restarting a very old cultural tradition.   A comparable development for females is the wearing of jeans. Many females now wear jeans on a daily basis, either at home or at work. Some see this as a symbolic declaration that they are now modern women, not girls or ladies. Some girls, like boys, wear baseball caps both indoors and outdoors.   Sneakers and shorts are now acceptable for either males or females in a variety of non-athletic situations. Some companies have rules requiring informal dress such as jeans or sneakers on Fridays (called “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”), and others permit it almost all the time. In these companies, and many others, it is acceptable to call the bosses by their first names. 1 What does the passage mainly talk about?

A、Changes of manners over time.

B、Formal manners in the earlier times.

C、Different manners in different cultures.

D、Development of manners in different classes.

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the wo...

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions froma list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Each choiceshould be used only once. Maria is a failure as a n 1 . The Reverend Mother sends her off in answer t 2 a letter from a retired naval captain for a g 3 for his seven children. There is aloofness in Captain Von Trapp; however, it is just a disguise for the sadness caused by his wife’s death. Maria teaches the children to sing and brings vitality b 4 to the large house. The Captain loves singing and thanks Maria for what she has done for his family. He calls o 5 his engagement with the beautiful Baroness for he realizes that he has f 6 in love with Maria, and so has Maria. They get married and go on their h 7 . When they come back, the Nazis attempt to draft Captain Von Trapp i 8 the Naval Forces of The Third Reich. After their sensational p 9 at the music festival and with some help from the abbey, the Von Trapps escape o 10 the Alps into Switzerland.

Nowadays, more and more attention is being paid to“business ethics". But what doe
s it mean? What is the importance of ethics in business?

Business ethics is not about personality, though a good personality is valuable. Ethics is the primary element and prerequisite for successful business. No matter what you do, you should think of business as a matter of integrity. Nowadays, the slip in ethics and the absence of social responsibility, especially integrity, have led to a crisis in business, seriously influencing social development.

Events resulting from a loss of trust are being seen now and then and they affect the society in many unfortunate ways. Most people know the importance of business ethics, but still some people don't honor them. We often hear media reports on problems in business, such as adding harmful materials to products. These behaviors cause much damage to consumers, who spend money but do not get quality commodities, especially when these commodities do great harm to their health. It is difficult for people to forget the case in which some children consumed unsafe milk powder produced by a few immoral businesses, and their health suffered serious damage as a result. People can't bear this kind of behavior. and the businesses responsible must be closed down and the related personal be published.

1.What is the primary component for a prosperous business?

A.Good management

B.Business ethics

C.Reliable credit status

2.What is the influence of losing integrity?

A.Hinder social development

B.Worsen the company's reputation

C.Reduce people's trust between each other

3.What is people's attitude towards business ethics?

A.All people pay attention to business ethics

B.Most people attach importance to it and follow it

C.Lots of people know its importance but still some don't honor it

4.Which of the following items is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A.The absence of ethics has led to a crisis in business world

B.Manufacturers' immoral behaviors do little harm to consumers

C.Media is important for people to know more about commodities

5.What is the author's attitude toward immoral behaviors in business?




Language is human speech, either written or spoken.All languages have a system of sou
nds, words, a system of word order, and grammar.Word order is more important in English than in some other languages.The sound system is very important in Chinese and in many African languages.

Language is always changing.The earliest known languages had complicated grammar but a small, limited vocabulary.Over the centuries, the grammar changed, and the vocabulary grew.For example, the English and Spanish people who came to America during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries gave names to all the new plants and animals they found.In this way, hundreds of new words were introduced into English and Spanish vocabularies.Today life is changing very fast, and language is changing fast, too.

There are several major language families in the world.Some scientists say there are nine main families, but other scientists divide them differently.The languages in each family are related, and scientists think that they came from the same parent language.

We learn our own languages by listening and copying.We do this without studying or thinking about it.But learning a foreign language takes a lot of study and practice.

(1).What do all languages in the world have?

A.Complicated vocabularies

B.Single grammar

C.Large vocabularies

D.A system of sounds

(2).What does the earliest known languages have?

A.Different word orders

B.Difficult grammar

C.Difficult vocabularies

D.Easy sound system

(3).What did the English and Spanish people who came to America do?

A.They gave names to different animals

B.They found many new plants and animals

C.They changed the grammar of English and Spanish

D.They introduced new words into English and Spanish

(4).Scientists think that the languages in each family_________________________.

A.are related

B.should be divided differently

C.should be separated

D.are not very different

(5).According to the passage, we learn our own language by_________________________.

A.thinking about it

B.practicing it

C.listening and copying

D.studying it

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