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Every product on the market has a variety of costs built into it before it is ever put up

for sale to a customer. There are costs of production, transportation, storage, advertising, and more. Each of these costs must bring in some profit at each stage: truckers must profit from transporting products, or they would not be in business. Thus, costs also include several layers of profits. The selling price of a product must take all of these costs(and built-in profits) into consideration. The selling price itself consists of a markup over the total of all costs, and it is normally based on a percentage of the total cost.

The markup may be quite high 90 percent of cost or it may be low. Grocery items in a supermarket usually have a low markup, while mink cost have a very high one. High markups, however, do not in themselves guarantee big profits. Profits come from turnover. If an item has a 50 percent markup and does not sell, there is no profit. But if a cereal has an 8 percent markup and sells very well, there are reasonable profits.

While most pricing is based on cost factors, there are some exceptions. Prestige pricing means setting prices artificially high in order to attract select clientele. Such pricing attempts to suggest that the quality or style. of the product is exceptional or that the item cannot be found elsewhere. Stores can use prestige pricing to attract wealthy shoppers.

Leader pricing and bait pricing are the opposites of prestige pricing. Leader pricing means setting low prices on certain items to get people to come into the stores. The products so priced are called loss leaders because little or no profit can be made on them. The profits are made from other products people buy while in the store. Bait pricing, now generally considered illegal, means setting artificially low prices to attract customers. The store, however, has no intention of selling goods at the bait prices. The point is to get people into the store and persuade them of the inferiority of the low-priced item. Then a higher priced item is presented as a better alternative.

A common retail tactic is odd priced products. For some products of $300, the store will set the price at $295 or $299.95 to give the appearance of a lower price. Automobiles and other high-priced products are usually priced in this manner. For some reason $7995 has more appear to a potential car customer than $8000.

Bid pricing is a special kind of price setting. It is often used in the awarding of government contracts. Several companies are asked to submit bids on a job, and normally the lowest bidder wins. A school system may want to buy a large number of computers. Several companies are asked to submit prices, and the school district will decide on the best bid based as well on considerations of quality and service.

We learn from the second paragraph, ______.

A.reducing cost is the surest way to increase profits

B.profits depend on how fast goods are moving

C.fair markup promise the greatest profits

D.lower markup brings reasonable profits

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更多“Every product on the market ha…”相关的问题
Which of the following statements about software life cycle is true? ___________
A、Software life cycle is the repetitive nature of software testing

B、Every software system has its life cycle

C、Software life cycle is the period of time that a software product is in service

D、Software life cycle is the cycling through phases of specification, design, implementation, and testing

The hamburger was invented in 1889, and the first McDonald’s opened in 1948 in San Ber

nadino, California. Now a new McDonald’s restaurant opens every eight hours somewhere in the world. The restaurant chain serves about 45 million customers every day. The corporation’s yellow M is recognized by people all over the world as a symbol of dynamism, happiness and, above all, America. The busiest restaurant, however, is in Moscow.


Coca-Cola is the most successful product in history and today it is sold in 185 countries. The drink was invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia, while he was trying to stop his addiction to morphine. It is estimated that 200 million cans or bottles of coke are sold every 24 hours. 80% of Coca-Cola’s profits now come from outside the United States.


Ironically, the Nokia Corporation started life as a paper manufacturer – the original form. of communication. Nearly 150 years later, this Finnish company is the world’s largest mobile phone producer and accounts for more than a quarter of Finland’s total economy. Nokia was the pioneer of mobile phone communication. In fact, the first text message was sent by the mayor of Helsinki on a Nokia mobile in 1991.


Levi Strauss & Co. was founded in 1853 and 20 years later they produced their first pair of jeans. The trousers were designed as tough, long-lasting work clothes for the worker of San Francisco. In the 1960s, blue jeans became very popular and since then they have never gone out of fashion. It is estimated that Levi Strauss & Co. now make approximately 2% of the world’s clothes.

1.McDonald’s was founded in_______.

A、New York



2.The busiest McDonald’s restaurant is in_______.




3.Coca-Cola was invented by_______.

A、a pharmacist

B、a doctor

C、a nutritionist

4.Nokia is based in_______.




5.The first pair of Levi’s jeans were made in_______.




As a medium of exchange, money permits the separation of exchange into the two distinct ac
ts of buying and selling, without requiring the seller to purchase goods from the person who buys his products, or vice versa. Hence producers who know they will be paid in money, can concentrate on finding the most suitable outlet for their goods, while buyers who will pay in money, can concentrate on finding cheapest market for the things they wish to purchase. Specialization, which is vital to an advanced economy, is encouraged, because people whose output is not a complete product but only a part of one in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.

Another advantage of money is that it is a measure of value, that is, it serves as a unit in terms of which the relative values of different products can be expressed. In a barter economy it would be necessary to determine how many plates were worth one hundred weight of cotton, or how many pens should be exchanged for a ton of coal, which would be a difficult and time-consuming task. The process of establishing relative values would have to be undertaken for every act of exchange, according to what products were being offered against one another, and according to the two parties'desires and preferences. If I am trying to barter fish bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to barter fish for bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to exchange bananas is or not keen on fish.

Thirdly, money acts as a store of wealth. It is difficult to imagine saving under a barter system. No one engaged on only one stage in the manufacture of a person could save part of his output, since he would be producing nothing complete. Even when a person actually produced a complete product the difficulties would be overwhelming. Most products deteriorate fairly rapidly, either physically or in value, as a result of long storage; even if storage were possible, the practice of storing products for years on would involve obvious disadvantages-imagine a coal-miner attempting to save enough coal, which of course is his product, to keep him for life. If wealth could not be saved, or only with great difficulty, future needs could not be provided for, or capital accumulated to raise productivity.

Using money as a medium of exchange means that______.

A.you have to sell something in order to buy something

B.you have to buy something in order to sell something

C.you don't have to buy something in order to sell something

D.the seller and the purchaser are the same person

4 Susan Grant is in something of a dilemma. She has been invited to join the board of the
troubled Marlow Fashion

Group as a non-executive director, but is uncertain as to the level and nature of her contribution to the strategic

thinking of the Group.

The Marlow Fashion Group had been set up by a husband and wife team in the 1970s in an economically depressed

part of the UK. They produced a comprehensive range of women’s clothing built round the theme of traditional English

style. and elegance. The Group had the necessary skills to design, manufacture and retail its product range. The

Marlow brand was quickly established and the company built up a loyal network of suppliers, workers in the company

factory and franchised retailers spread around the world. Marlow Fashion Group’s products were able to command

premium prices in the world of fashion. Rodney and Betty Marlow ensured that their commitment to traditional values

created a strong family atmosphere in its network of partners and were reluctant to change this.

Unfortunately, changes in the market for women’s wear presented a major threat to Marlow Fashion. Firstly, women

had become a much more active part of the workforce and demanded smarter, more functional outfits to wear at work.

Marlow Fashion’s emphasis on soft, feminine styles became increasingly dated. Secondly, the tight control exercised

by Betty and Rodney Marlow and their commitment to control of design, manufacturing and retailing left them

vulnerable to competitors who focused on just one of these core activities. Thirdly, there was a reluctance by the

Marlows and their management team to acknowledge that a significant fall in sales and profits were as a result of a

fundamental shift in demand for women’s clothing. Finally, the share price of the company fell dramatically. Betty and

Rodney Marlow retained a significant minority ownership stake, but the company had had a new Chief Executive

Officer every year since 2000.


(a) Write a short report to Susan Grant identifying and explaining the strategic strengths and weaknesses in the

Marlow Fashion Group. (12 marks)

To understand the marketing concept, it is only necessary to understand the difference
between marketing and selling.Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the efficient production of goods, and then relied on “persuasive salesmanship” to move as much of these goods as possible.Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the seller to produce goods and then convert them into money.Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers.It begins with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them.This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first endeavor to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase.This concept does not imply that business is benevolent(慈善的)or that consumer satisfaction is given priority over profit in a company.There are always two sides to every business transaction the firm and the customer and each must be satisfied before trade occurs.Successful merchants and producers, however, recognize that the surest route to profit is through understanding and catering to customers.A striking example of the importance of catering to the consumer presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changed the flavor of its drink.The non-acceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of the public brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic Coke, which was then marketed alongside the new King Customer ruled!

1.The marketing concept discussed in the passage is, in essence, ____________.

A.the practice of turning goods into money

B.making goods available for purchase

C.the customer-centred approach

D.a form. of persuasive salesmanshi

2.What was the main concern of industrialists before the marketing concept was widely accepted?()

A.The needs of the market

B.The efficiency of production

C.The satisfaction of the user

D.The preferences of the dealer

3.According to the passage, “to move as much of these goods as possible” (Lines 3-4, Para.I) means “_______________”.

A.to sell the largest possible amount of goods

B.to transport goods as efficiently as possible

C.to dispose of these goods in large quantities

D.to redesign these goods for large-scale production

4.What does the restoration of the Classic Coke best illustrate?()

A.Traditional goods have a stronger appeal to the majority of people

B.It takes time for a new product to be accepted by the public

C.Consumers with conservative tastes are often difficult to please

D.Products must be designed to suit the taste of the consumer

5.In discussing the marketing concept, the author focuses on ___________.

A.its main characteristic

B.its social impact

C.its possible consequence

D.its theoretical basis

Now every service or product meets your satisfaction.When you are dissatisfied, you shou
ld voice your dissatisfaction.One reason for doing so is to help the vendor know there is a problem.The problem may have been created at a lower level in the vendor's company, and the vendor himself may know nothing about it at all.You render him a service when you bring weaknesses or failures to his attention.

A second reason for writing a letter of complaint to a vendor is to seek redress.You may not wish to pursue the matter so far as to take legal action, but you may wish to give the vendor the opportunity of making good.Most vendors value your business and their reputation sufficiently to replace defective goods, resupply work that did not meet specifications, or refund money when necessary.No vendor likes to do so, but your carefully worded letter of complaint may motivate him to do so.

When you write a letter of complaint, you'd better keep these TIPS in mind: First, be courteous though firm.You will not win a vendor's cooperation by anger.Secondly, be reasonable.Show logically and factually that the fault lies with the vendor or his claims.The vendor should be impressed with your fairness and quiet grasp of the facts in the matter.Thirdly, be specific about what is wrong.Be equally specific about what you want done about it.Lastly, tell how you have been hurt or inconvenienced by the problem.This strengthens your argument for redress.

1.How many pieces of advice does the author list to voice your dissatisfaction?

A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five

2.What is the best way the author thinks to seek redress?

A.to take legal actionB.to let the vendor make good voluntarily

C.to urge the vendor to make goodD.to quarrel with the vendor

3.What does the word “TIPS”(Para.3, Line 1) refer to?

A.money for personal service B.pieces of advice

C.thin end of something D.rubbish can

4.Which one is NOT true according to the passage?

A.You are seldom satisfied with the products you bought.

B.You'd better word your dissatisfaction firmly and politely.

C.The vendor can also benefit from your complaint.

D.You write a letter to get compensation.

5.What's the main purpose of you writing a letter of complaint?

A.to break off a deal B.to lower the vendor's reputation

C.to get compensation D.to give vent to your anger

If there is a shortage of any product, prices of that product go up.(英译中)





The () includes a series of four stages for a product — -introduction, growth,maturit
The () includes a series of four stages for a product — -introduction, growth,maturit

The () includes a series of four stages for a product — -introduction, growth,maturity, and decline.

A. product cycle of life

B. product life cycle

C. life product cycle





The product in her factory is better than her.()
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