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(1 )Men first learnt to invent words is unknown; (2)other words, the origin of languag

(1)Men first learnt to invent words is unknown; (2)other words, the origin of language is a mystery.All we really know is that men, unlike(3) , somehow invented certain sounds to(4 ) thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate (交际) with each other;and that later they agreed(5)certain signs, called letters, which could be (6)down.Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we (7)words.

The power of words (8 )in their associations---the things they bring up before our minds.Words became filled (9) meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and (10 )events of our past and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.









































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更多“(1 )Men first learnt to invent…”相关的问题
How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of languag
e is a mystery.All we really known is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions, and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down.Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.

The power of words, then, lies in their associations - the things they bring up before our minds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions.This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style.Above all, the real poet is a master of words.He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their position and association can move men to tears.We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar .(239words)

26.The origin of language is().

A.a legend handed down from the past

B.a matter that is hidden or secret

C.a question difficult to answer

D.a problem not yet solved

27.What is true about words?()

A.They are used t to express feelings only

B.They can not be written down

C.They are simply sounds

D.They are mysterious

28.The real power of words lies in their().




D.representative function

29.By “association”, the author means().

A.a special quality

B.a joining of ideas in the mind

C.an appearance which is puzzling

D.a strange feature

30.Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true?()

A.He is no more than a master of words

B.He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music

C.He can move men to tears

D.His style. is always charming

Imagine this situation: you have bought a faulty item from a shop and you take () back
Imagine this situation: you have bought a faulty item from a shop and you take () back

to complain. You go directly to the shop assistant and tell them your problem. They say they cannot help you, () makes you angrier, to the point perhaps where you start insulting the poor shop assistant. RESULT: This will do you no (), like getting any compensation, or even a refund. If you go directly to the first person you see within the organization you are complaining about, you may be wasting your time () they may be powerless to take any action or provide you () a solution. So the important lesson to be learnt is to make sure firstly that you are speaking to the relevant person, the one who has the authority to make decisions.

Ian Thorpe was born in Paddington, Australia on 13th October 1982. His father, Ken, alwa
ys wanted him to be a cricketer. But when Ian overcame a childhood allergy to chlorine, his only dream was to join his sister Christine in the pool.

It’s easy to see why. His 1.95 metres, 96 kilos and size 54 feet give him an awesome presence in the water. It was his feet which brought him his first nickname, “Flipper”. He swims so fast that he seems to fly through the water. So how did it all start?

Thorpe made his first appearance in international competition at the age of 14. His greatest feat came only three years later when he won three gold medals at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. His success and popularity have done much to raise the profile of the sport.

Australia is a nation of water babies. 85% of its population live within 30 miles of the beach and its swimmers enjoy a pin-up status similar to footballers like David Beckham in the UK. In fact, for a time, Thorpe was Australia’s number one national hero. There were special Australian stamps to celebrate his victories in the Olympics. Now, there is even a fragrance called “Ian Thorpe for Men” and a range of men’s underwear.

But in spite of this superstar status, Ian has a friendly relationship with the media. He is happy to discuss his love of philosophy, grunge music, Japanese food, computer games and Armani clothes. However, not all media work is light-hearted. Since his retirement from professional swimming in 2006, he has founded his own charity called “Fountain for Youth”. This organisation fights to bring positive changes to children’s lives by improving health and education, especially for Aboriginal communities in Australia.

1.What did Thorpe’s father want Ian to be?

A、A flipper

B、A cricketer

C、A swimmer

2.What is Thorpe’s first nickname?


B、Fountain for Youth


3.What did Ian win at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games?

A、Three gold medals

B、Three silver medals

C、Three bronze medals

4.Which of the following is to celebrate Ian’s victories in the Olympic?

A、A fragrance called “Ian Thorpe for Men”

B、Special Australian stamps

C、A range of men’s underwear

5.When did Thorpe withdraw from professional swimming?

A、In 1982

B、In 2000

C、In 2006

2 Helen Bradshaw, a recent graduate with a degree in catering management, has spotted a ma
rket opportunity during

her first job with a large supermarket chain. She knows there is a growing market for distinctive, quality cakes in the

bakery sections of the supermarket chains, as well as in supplying independent individual premium cake shops, and

also for catering wholesalers supplying restaurants and hotels.

Helen is very determined to set up her own business under the brand name of ‘Helen’s cakes’, and has bought some

equipment – industrial food mixers, ovens, cake moulds – and also rented a small industrial unit to make the cakes.

Helen has created three sets of recipes – one for the premium cake shop market, one for the supermarkets and one

for the catering wholesalers but is uncertain which market to enter first. Each channel of distribution offers a different

set of challenges. The premium cake shop market consists of a large number of independent cake shops spread

through the region, each looking for daily deliveries, a wide product range and low volumes. The supermarkets are

demanding good quality, competitive prices and early development of a product range under their own brand name.

The catering wholesalers require large volumes, medium quality and low prices.

Helen has learnt that you are a consultant specialising in start-up enterprises and is looking to you for advice.


(a) Acting as a consultant, prepare a short report for Helen advising her on the advantages and disadvantages

each channel offers and the implications for a successful start-up. (12 marks)

in some way the employment interview is like a persuasive speech, for the applicant seek
s to persuade the employer to employ him or her.a job applicant should find interview.fist, the applicant should know what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective.it is important that the applicant be able to state of the company.second, the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company.the applicant should find out the location of the home and region plans for expansion, and company philosophy.

having gathered enough information concerning the company.the applicant is ready for the interview.the interviewer’s first impression comes from the interviewee’s appearance.for most interviews, appropriate dress for men is a conservative(保守的)dank-colored suit with a long-sleeve while or light blue shirt.for women a conservative.tale suit or dress appropriate. both men and women should have neat.,conservation length, of hair.

although gathered and dress are maters of taste, many person direction judge interview from their appearance directly, for example.one recent college graduate who felt himself qualified was interviewed for a public relations job.however, the personnel manager considered this young man unsuitable for this particular position for his long hair, sloppy(不整洁) dress.,and casual manner.

36.Before the interview, a job applicant should be clear about_

A.the relationship between his career objective and the job

B.when and where the interview will take place

C.who will also take part in the interview

D.the process of the interview

37.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the information the applicant has to find out?

A.The company’s location.

B.The company’s financial status.

C.The company’s expansion plans.

D.The company’s history.

38.According to the passage, which of following statements is true?

A.Before the interview.the applicant may neglect the company’s philosophy

B.Before the interview, the applicant should be Clear about the name of the manager

C.In the interview, Ir s appropriate for the applicant to be dressed conservatively

D.In the interview' s not suitable for the applicant to try to persuade the employer to employ him

39.The most suitable dressing for men in a job interview is to wear.

A.a colorful shirt

B.a sloppy dress

C.a pair of casual shoes

D.a dark-colored suit

40.From the example in the passage, we may conclude that.

A.self-confidence is the key point

B.first impression is vital

C.personal taste is essential

D.work experience is very important

Think of all the ways that you use your arms and hands.You use(1)to open doors, carry bo

Think of all the ways that you use your arms and hands.You use(1)to open doors, carry boxes, climb trees and ride bikes.Jessica Coxwas born(2)arms.But she didn' tlet that(3)her from doing things.She (4)to feed herself, paint and play the piano by using her feet.When she was at (5),Jessica watched the other students on the playground.She did not have hands to catch balls with, (6)she did not have arms to climb with.Jessica imagined herself as a girl of unusually great ability.She would(7)over the playground and take her friends into the sky.Many years later, when Jessica (8),she did fly.She learnt to fly a plane! It was (9)work, but Jessica was patient, confident and brave.She controlled the plane with her feet.She made her (10)come true.





























8.A、set up

B、grew up

C、gave up

D、warmed up









It is highly necessary that university students()some basic survival skills.

A.should learn



D.to learn

The concept of creative industry (CI) is a relatively new idea in China.It is a term t
hat was first used in the UK in 1997.It is related to those sectors that have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and that have a potential for wealth and job creation through the production of intellectual property.This includes advertising, architecture, art and antiques, crafts, design, fashion, film, music, performing arts, publishing, software and computer games, television and radio.

Creative industry, one of the keys to economic transformation, enables innovation and improves productivity across other sectors within the economy.Its production includes media, live arts, design, visual arts and scientific discovery.

Internet is the driving force behind the creative economy, in which people’s ideas, skills and creativity should count for all.People from all backgrounds should be able to come up with good ideas given the right skills and opportunities.Digital technology makes it possible to cut out the “middle men” and allow artists to deal directly with their audience.And that might be the best thing to happen to artists in hundreds of years.

In the past Shanghai took for granted its strengths in many industries.Shanghai is facing a potential creativity challenge as its old industries face new sources of competition.The promotion of creative industry could be easy for Shanghai’s efforts to recast its own image.

6.Where was the term “creative industry” originated?()

A.In U.S

B.In China

C.In the United Kingdom

D.Not mentioned

7.Which sector does creative industry not relate to ()?


B.Computer programming

C.Movie making

D.Clothes making

8.What role does creative industry play in the nation’s economy?()

A.It improves productivity across other sectors within the economy

B.It improves productivity of other sectors within the creative industry

C.It enables the transformation of industry innovation

D.It helps to boom the development of visual arts

9.What have artists been trying to do in the past hundreds of years?()

A.To cut out the “middle men”

B.To deal directly with their audience

C.To come up with good ideas

D.To give the right skills and opportunities

10.Why is Shanghai facing a potential creativity challenge?()

A.Its old industries are meeting with new source of competition

B.It overlooked its strength in creative industry

C.It put too much emphasis on its old industries

D.It failed to recast its own image

In the classic marriage vow(誓约),couples promise to stay together in sickness and in
In the classic marriage vow(誓约),couples promise to stay together in sickness and in

health. But a new study finds that the risk of divorce among older couples rises when the wife—not the husband— becomes seriously ill.

"Married women diagnosed with a serious health condition may find themselves struggling with the impact of their disease while also experiencing the stress of divorce," said researcher Amelia Karraker. Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham analyzed 20 years of data on 2,717 marriages from a study conducted by Indiana University since 1992. At the time of the first interview, at least one of the partners was over the age of 50.

The researchers examined how the onset(发生)of four serious physical illnesses affected marriages. They found that, overall, 31% of marriages ended in divorce over the period studied. The incidence of new chronic(慢性的)illness onset increased over time as well, with more husbands than wives developing serious health problems. "We found that women are doubly vulnerable to marital break-up in the face of illness," Karraker said. "They're more likely to be widowed, and if they're the ones who become ill, they're more likely to get divorced."

While the study didn't assess why divorce is more likely when wives but not husbands become seriously ill, Karraker offers a few possible reasons. "Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving may make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses," Karraker said. "And because of the imbalance in marriage markets, especially in older ages, divorced men have more choices among prospective partners than divorced women."

Given the increasing concern about health care costs for the aging population, Karraker believes policymakers should be aware of the relationship between disease and risk of divorce.

"Offering support services to spouses caring for their other halves may reduce marital stress and prevent divorce at older ages," she said. "But it's also important to recognize that the pressure to divorce may be health-related and that sick ex-wives may need additional care and services to prevent worsening health and increased health costs."

91.What can we learn about marriage vows from the passage_____

A.They may not guarantee a lasting marriage.

B.They are as binding as they used to be.

C.They are not taken seriously any more.

D.They may help couples tide over hard times.

92.What did Karraker and co-author Kenzie Latham find about elderly husbands_____

A.They are generally not good at taking care of themselves.

B.They can become increasingly vulnerable to serious illnesses.

C.They can develop different kinds of illnesses just like their wives.

D.They are more likely to contract serious illnesses than their wives.

93.What does Karraker say about women who fall ill_____

A.They are more likely to be widowed.

B.They are more likely to get divorced.

C.They are less likely to receive good care.

D.They are less likely to bother their spouses.

94.Why is it more difficult for men to take care of their sick spouses according to Karraker_____

A.They are more accustomed to receiving care.

B.They find it more important to make money for the family.

C.They think it more urgent to fulfill their social obligations.

D.They expect society to do more of the job.

95.What does Karraker think is also important_____

A.Reducing marital stress on wives.

B.Providing extra care for divorced women.

C.Stabilizing old couples' relations.

D.Making men pay for their wives, health costs.

We are indebted to your Branch in Shanghai, ______ we learnt that you are a leading im
porter of electronic goods in your locality.

A.from whom

B.from whoever

C.from who

D.from that

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