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Everyone knows where the office is, but who is the director?()

A.Dr. Anderson

B.Everyone does

C.On the next floor

D.Yes, they do

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Crime is a very serious problem in Britain. One sort of crime which particularly worri
es people is juvenile delinquency—that is, crimes committed by young people. For some years juvenile delinquency had been increasing. There are two main sorts of juvenile crimes: stealing and violence. Most people do not understand why young people commit these crimes. There are, I think, a large number of different reasons.

These crimes are not usually committed by people who are poor or in need. Young people often dislike and hate the adult world. They will do things to show that they are rebels. Also in Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like.

There are two other possible causes which are worth mentioning. More and more people in Britain live in large towns. In a large town no one knows who anyone else is or where they live. But in the village I come from crimes are rare because everyone knows everyone else.

Although it is difficult to explain, I think the last cause is very important. Perhaps there is something with our society which encourages violence and crime. It is a fact that all the time children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence. Many people do not agree that this influences the young people, but I think that young people are very much influenced by the society they grow in. I feel that the fault may be as much with our whole society as with these young people.

6. From the passage we know that many British people are confused about ().

A. the cause of juvenile crimes

B. the rise of the crime rate

C. the problem of crimes in their country

D. the various kinds of juvenile delinquency

7. One reason why young people in large cities are more likely to commit crimes is that ().

A. nobody knows anything about others

B. they are free to move

C. they live a better life

D. they need more money

8. According to the passage, which groups of the following young people are LEAST likely to commit crimes?

A. Those living in big cities

B. Those who are in need of help

C. Those who are very poor

D. Those living in the countryside

9. Unlike many others, the author holds that one important cause for juvenile delinquency is that().

A. young people nowadays do not like adult world

B. young people in Britain today are freer than before

C. too many young people have come to live in big cities

D. young people are influenced by crime and violence in films and newspapers

10.According to the passage, which is to blame for juvenile crimes, apart from the young people themselves?

A. The adult world

B. Their parents

C. The development of the cities

D. The society

Everyone knows that water ______ oxygen and hydrogen.

A.is consisted of

B.is made from

C.is composed of

D.consists in

Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do before a fire breaks out can save
a life. For example, people should know the safety measures to take before opening a hall door during a fire. Also, make sure everyone knows how to unlock doors that may be in the escape path. At times, a key is needed to unlock a door from the inside. So, keep the key in the lock, or, you can put the key on a key ring and put it where it can be found easily.

If you live in an apartment, know the ways you can use to get out. Show everyone in the family these routes. Stress the importance of using stairways or fire escapes, not elevators.

From most homes and the lower floors of apartment buildings, escape through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving by a window with the least chance of serious injury.

In a home fire, windows are often the only means of escape. The second floor window sill is usually not more than 13 feet from the ground. An average person, hanging by the fingertips, will have a drop of about six to the ground. Of course, it is after to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building. Rolling away from the building when you land.

Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Often you'll be able to stay in the room for several minutes if you keep the door closed and the windows open. Keep your head low in the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may have leaked into the room.

On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those which open onto a roof or balcony. From the roof or balcony, a person can either drop to the ground or await rescuer. Dropping onto cement or pavement might end in injury. Bushes, soft earth, and grass can help to break a fall. A rope ladder should be considered when the drop is too great.

In a town where the fire department acts quickly, it may be best to wait for rescuer. Close the doors and wait by an open window for help. Shout for help. Be sure to close the door before opening a window. Otherwise, smoke and fire may be drawn into the room by the draft.

From most homes you can escape a fire through the ______.





Americans believe so much in moving ahead that they are 【C1】______ researching, experiment
ing and exploring. They treat time as if it 【C2】______ real—a precious resource. They budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it and 【C3】______ for it. A foreigner's first impression 【C4】______ the U.S. is that everyone is in a rush and often 【C5】______ pressure. City people always appear to be 【C6】______ to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention or elbowing 【C7】______ . Foreigners who miss smiles, brief conversations, or leisurely exchanges with strangers should not feel 【C8】______ by this. Americans value time so 【C9】______ , they dislike anyone "wasting "it beyond an 【C10】______ amount. New arrivals to the States will miss the custom of social talk 【C11】______ a business call because Americans generally 【C12】______ or enquire about their visitors professionally rather than socially. They start talking business very quickly; time is always 【C13】______ in their heads. They work 【C14】______ at saving time through labor-saving devices so they communicate rapidly by fax, phone or E-mall rather than 【C15】______ personal contact; The 【C16】______ of electronic communication has 【C17】______ to do with the significance of the matter 【C18】______ hand.

【C19】______ a job or solving a problem rapidly in the U.S. is considered a sign of 【C20】______ .


A.engaged to

B.committed to

C.devoted to

D.contribute to

Scientists measured the impact that people have on the environment using a term called

carbon “footprint”.That footprint reflects the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted(排放)into the atmosphere as a result of someone’s daily activities.Carbon footprints tend to be low for city dwellers(城镇居民).Living in a suburb outside a city, however, can turn that footprint into a bootprint.

Energy researchers Christopher Jones and Daniel Kammen calculated carbon footprints for people in every zip code across the United States.People living in city centers had small footprints, the researchers found.“It is much easier to have a low carbon impact if your home is close to where you work, shop and play,” explains Jones.Living within walking or biking distance cuts back on the amount of carbon dioxide associated with moving people by cars.And cities with extensive bus and subway networks allow people to travel great distances while keeping releases of climate-altering greenhouse gases low.

Not everyone can afford to live in the city, however.And not everyone wants to.Rings of suburbs have popped up around major cities across the world.Suburbs offer more space, allowing people to build larger homes.Suburbs may offer better schools for a family’s kids.But those homes are typically well beyond walking distance from where their owners work, play or learn.So people who live in suburbs often drive long distances.

The new findings are an important contribution to climate research, says Matthew Kahn, an environmental economist at the University of California, who was not involved with the study.Kahn would like to see the analysis applied to other parts of the world — Europe, India and China, for instance.That would give scientists a better feel for how culture might mix with location to influence our carbon footprints.

21.“Footprint” refers to the amount of carbon dioxide released by ______.

A.an industry

B.an individual

C.a region

D.a country

22.What is the new finding concerning the footprints of people living in cities and those living in suburbs?()

A.The two are not at all comparable

B.The former are higher than the latter

C.The latter are higher than the former

D.The former are similar to the latter

23.What is the key factor mentioned to explain the new findings?()

A.Distance travelled by cars

B.Spending habits

C.Size of families

D.Attitude towards energy saving

24.What does Matthew Kahn think of the new findings?()

A.He is confused by the mixed messages

B.He thinks highly of them

C.He can easily understand them

D.He doubts their validity

25.What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?()

A.To call on people to reduce carbon footprints

B.To offer tips on how to live a low-carbon life

C.To clear up misunderstandings about carbon emission

D.To introduce the research on carbon footprints

One of the more important communicative tasks may confront a traveler.That is the ___1
___ of when a speaker has said "no".That is, one needs to be able to recognize that a respondent has refused or ___2___ what the speaker has demanded, solicited, or offered.Equally, one needs to ___3___ the appropriate manner in which to respond in the negative when offered, solicited, or demanded something.It is ___4___ that it is sometimes difficult to recognize a refusal in one"s mother tongue where the answer might be unclear.However, in many ___5___ the meaning can be made clear.This is possible if one knows how to read the ___6___ signals.A first task for the visitor abroad is to discover which forms are used to ___7___ this function.If we compare form. and function across cultures, it soon becomes clear that one form. may be used to mean different things in another culture than in one’s own.For example, in Turkish "no" is ___8___ by moving one"s head backwards while rolling one"s eyes upwards.However, to an American this movement is ___9___ to the signal used for saying "yes".Further, in still other cultures, head shaking may have nothing to do with affirmation or negation.In parts of India, rolling the head slowly from side to side means something like "Yes, go on.I"m listening".Thus, as one goes from culture to culture, form. and function may not ___10___.If a foreigner wants to communicate appropriately, he must develop the competence of sending and receiving "no" messages.
















Three Effective Management Styles Being an effective manager means knowing when to use
the right management style.Some styles, for instance, are more people-oriented, while others tend to focus on a project or product.The management style. you select will depend on your people skillsand knowledge, available resources (like time and money), desired results, and, of course, the task before you.The common management styles can be summarized into three categories.The participatory styleis the first of its kind.Here, it is critical to give each employee an entire task to complete.If that’s not possible, make sure the individual knows and understands his or her part as it relates to the project or task.When people inyour team know where they fit in the big picture, they’re more likely to be motivated to complete the task. Following that, we have the directing style.Sometimes a situation will call for a direct style. of management.Perhaps a tight deadline looms, or the project involves numerous employees and requires a top-down management approach.Here, a manager answers five questions for the employees: What Where How Why and When Let employeesknow what they need to do, how they’re going to do it, and when the questionsmust be finished. The last one is the teamwork style.If you want to speed upa project and choose the bestprocessfor completing that project, managing by teamwork is the way to go.When you motivate people to pool their knowledge, the results may exceed your expectations.Often, teams can tackle problems more quickly than what you can accomplish on your own.The give-and-takecan create a process that you can repeatin other projects.

1.Being an effective manager lies in knowing the right ()。



C.management style

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a focus of different management styles()。




3.Which of the following can’t be inferred from the passage()。

A.The management style. is likely to change because the manager has been replaced

B.The management style. is likely to change because the desired results have changed

C.The management style. is likely to change because the available resources have changed

4.When people in your team know where they fit in the big picture, they are more likely to be _____ to complete the task.




5.If you want to speed up a project and choose the best process for completing that project, youcan resort to ()。


B.top-down management

C.tight deadline

The inventor of spectacles probably lived in the town of Paris, Italy, around 1286, a
nd was almost certainly a craftsman working in glass. But nobody knows his name. We only know this much about him because Friar Giordane preached a sermon one Wednesday morning in February 1306 at a church in Florence. "It’s not yet 20 years since there was found the art of making eye-glasses which make for good vision," said the Friar."One of the best arts and most necessary that the world has. So short a time is it since there was invented a new art that never existed. I have seen the man who first invented and created it, and I have talked to him." We know what Friar Giordane said because admirers copied his sermons down as he gave them. The inventor of spectacles apparently kept the method of making them to himself. Perhaps he thought this was the best way of getting money from his invention. But the idea soon got around. As early as 1300, craftsmen in Venice,the centre of Europe’s glass industry, were making the new "disks for the eyes".Spectacles at first were only shaped for far-sighted people. Concave lenses, for short-sighted people, were not developed until the late 15th century. Spectacles allowed people to go on reading and studying long after bad eyesight would normally have forced them to give up.They were like a new pair of eyes. The inventor of such a valuable thing should be honored, everyone thought. But for centuries no one had any idea who the inventor really was. So all kinds of candidates were put forward: Dutch, English, German, Italians from rival cities. A fake memorial was erected last century in a church in Florence to honor a man as the true inventor of spectacles-but he never even existed.

The first spectalces were made for ()

A、any one who had an eye trouble

B、the far-sighted

C、the short-sighted

D、both the far-sighted and the short-sighted

It was Ann' s first experience of flying. She had always been afraid of heights and so was
pre pared to be frightened. Only the fact that she was going to meet her son who she had not seen for three years had given her the courage to make the flight.

She sat in her seat, her hands gripping its arms, her seat belt already fastened. The air hostess was talking, telling everyone what to do in case of emergency, showing them where their .life-jackets were. The plane was crowded, every seat was full. From her window seat, getting out in a hurry would be impossible, thought Ann. In any case who would want to get out of a plane in mid-air?

The engines began to shake--the noise increased till it was like a great rushing wind. She looked out to see the runway slip past at astonishing speed. She wanted to cry out--to stop the plane before it left the ground, but she knew she was trapped in this great roaring machine. I must scream, she told herself, and put her hands over her eyes.

There was a strange feeling as if she were going up in a lift. The noise died down. Carefully she opened her eyes. Through the window she saw a great carpet of cloud above, so beautiful that she stared in wonder, hardly turning away from the window till they touched down.

Ann thought she would be frightened because ______.

A.she had never flown before

B.she had a fear of being in high places

C.she hadn' t made proper preparations.

D.she was naturally timid

—Who knows the way to the airport?—_____of them knows the way to the airport.





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