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Scientists often classify materials by their(): solid, liquid, or gas





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填句补文Biological ClockWhen the sun rises on a warm and sunny day, you can see some flo


Biological Clock

When the sun rises on a warm and sunny day, you can see some flowers open up. When they close late in the afternoon, other flowers open.

Biological rhythms(生物节律), like the opening and closing of flowers, happen all over nature. But not all of them are daily rhythms. Some, like the beating of our heart, happen every second. (1)Scientists use the term biological clock to describe the timing that controls biological rhythms. (2) In some animals it is probably controlled by the brain. In plants and other living things that have no brain, it must be something else.

The migration of animals happens when a signal is sent out. For example, when days become shorter, birds leave the northern parts of the world and fly south where it is warm. (3)Humans also have biological clocks that control their daily rhythms. When people travel by plane from one continent to another, they often cross many time zones. Their internal clocks don’t seem to work correctly. We call this jet lag(时差). (4)People who work night shifts also have problems with their biological clocks. They may not be as active as people who work during the daytime.

Biological clocks control many rhythms of life. (5) Doctors are looking for new ways to make travelling more comfortable and medical treatment more effective.

A. But where can you find it?

B. This makes them feel tired.

C. In the summer they fly back to have babies.

D. We are learning more and more about them.

E. Biological clocks can be adjusted.

F. Other rhythms are based on months, seasons or years.

Genetically-modified (GM) foodstuffs are here to stay.That’s not to say that food prod
uced by conventional agriculture will disappear, but simply that food-buying patterns will polarize: there will be a niche market for conventional foodstuffs just as there is for organic food.It may even be that GM food will become the food of preference because consumers come to appreciate the health benefits of reduced pesticide use.

Currently there are some 20,000 chemicals in use, but the scientists only have detailed information around 1,000 of them.To see the advantages of GM food you have only to consider the recent press revelation that the average lettuce receives eleven pesticide applications before it reaches the supermarket shelf.I’m sure chemicals and their role in disease will become a big issue in the 21st century as the population of the developed world worries increasingly about its health.

The reason GM food will not go away is that we need a three-fold increase in food production by the year 2050 to keep pace with the world’s predicted population growth to ten or eleven billion.It’s not just a question of more mouths to feed either.What is often forgotten is that all these extra people will take up space, reducing the overall land available for agriculture.

The world has 800 million hungry people.Until now, food supplies have been increased by improved varieties, pesticides and artificial fertilizers: the green revolution.Now we’re on the edge of a new one: a genetic revolution.

It may well be that in the long term it is the developing world that benefits most from GM food.It is true that for the next years or so GM crops may be too expensive.

6. According to the passage, food supplies have been increased by all the following except_____________.


B.artificial fertilizers

C.improved varieties


7.How many chemicals are still less familiar to the scientists?()





8.Why will people prefer GM food in the future?()

A.Because it uses less pesticides.

B.Because it is much cheaper.

C.Because the production is increased.

D.Because it is organic food.

9.Which of the following is NOT true?()

A.By 2050, the world population will grow to ten or eleven billion.

B.In the 21st century, GM food will take the place of conventional food.

C.More and more people will reduce the overall land available for farming.

D.More and more people will consume more food and occupy more space.

10.The author’s attitude towards GM food is _______.





Modem technology and science have produced a wealth of new materials and new ways of u
sing old materials. For the artist this means wider opportunities. There is no doubt that the limitations of materials and nature of tools both restrict and shape a man's work. Observe how the development of plastics and light metals as well as new methods of welding (焊接法)has changed the direction of sculpture. Transparent plastic materials allow one to look through an object, to see its various sides overlapped with each other (as in Cubism or in an X ray). Today, welding is as prevalent as casting was in the past. This new method encourages open designs, where surrounding and intervening space becomes as important as form. itself.

More ambiguous than other scientific inventions familiar to modem artists, but no less influential, are the psychoanalytic studies of Freud and his followers, discoveries that have penetrated recent art, especially Surrealism. (超现实主义)

The surrealists, in their struggle to escape the monotony and frustrations of everyday life, claimed that dreams were the only hope. Turning to the irrational world of their unconscious, they banished all time barriers and moral judgments to combine disconnected dream experiences from the past, present and intervening psychological states. The surrealists were concerned with overlapping emotions more than with overlapping forms. Their paintings often become segmented capsules of associative experiences. As to them, obsessive and often unrelated images replaced the direct emotional messages of Expressionism. They did not need to smash paint and canvas ; they went beyond this to smash the whole continuity of logical thought.

There is little doubt that contemporary art has taken much from contemporary life. In a period when science has made revolutionary strides, artists in their studios have not been unaware of scientists in their laboratories. At the same time, this has rarely been a one-way street. Painters and sculptors, though admittedly influenced by modem science, have also molded and changed our world. If break-up has been a vital part of their expression, it has not always been a symbol of destruction. Quite the contrary: it has been used to examine more fully, to penetrate more deeply, to analyze more thoroughly, to enlarge, isolate and make more familiar certain aspects of life that earlier were apt to neglect. In addition, at times it provides rich multiple experiences so organized as not merely to reflect our world, but in fact to interpret it.

41.The author argues that Freud's studies .

A.are more comprehensible than other scientific inventions

B.are more controversial than any other scientific findings

C.have been largely influenced by contemporary arts

D.have found their expression in the Surrealism's claims

42.The Surrealism made every endeavor .

A.to transform. real existence into incoherent dreams

B.to diminish all time barriers and moral judgments

C.to express their disconnected unconscious thoughts

D.to substitute direct expressions for fragmented images

Scientists measured the impact that people have on the environment using a term called

carbon “footprint”.That footprint reflects the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted(排放)into the atmosphere as a result of someone’s daily activities.Carbon footprints tend to be low for city dwellers(城镇居民).Living in a suburb outside a city, however, can turn that footprint into a bootprint.

Energy researchers Christopher Jones and Daniel Kammen calculated carbon footprints for people in every zip code across the United States.People living in city centers had small footprints, the researchers found.“It is much easier to have a low carbon impact if your home is close to where you work, shop and play,” explains Jones.Living within walking or biking distance cuts back on the amount of carbon dioxide associated with moving people by cars.And cities with extensive bus and subway networks allow people to travel great distances while keeping releases of climate-altering greenhouse gases low.

Not everyone can afford to live in the city, however.And not everyone wants to.Rings of suburbs have popped up around major cities across the world.Suburbs offer more space, allowing people to build larger homes.Suburbs may offer better schools for a family’s kids.But those homes are typically well beyond walking distance from where their owners work, play or learn.So people who live in suburbs often drive long distances.

The new findings are an important contribution to climate research, says Matthew Kahn, an environmental economist at the University of California, who was not involved with the study.Kahn would like to see the analysis applied to other parts of the world — Europe, India and China, for instance.That would give scientists a better feel for how culture might mix with location to influence our carbon footprints.

21.“Footprint” refers to the amount of carbon dioxide released by ______.

A.an industry

B.an individual

C.a region

D.a country

22.What is the new finding concerning the footprints of people living in cities and those living in suburbs?()

A.The two are not at all comparable

B.The former are higher than the latter

C.The latter are higher than the former

D.The former are similar to the latter

23.What is the key factor mentioned to explain the new findings?()

A.Distance travelled by cars

B.Spending habits

C.Size of families

D.Attitude towards energy saving

24.What does Matthew Kahn think of the new findings?()

A.He is confused by the mixed messages

B.He thinks highly of them

C.He can easily understand them

D.He doubts their validity

25.What is the purpose of the author in writing the passage?()

A.To call on people to reduce carbon footprints

B.To offer tips on how to live a low-carbon life

C.To clear up misunderstandings about carbon emission

D.To introduce the research on carbon footprints

Americans are getting ready for the biggest soccer event in the world. For the first t

ime the world cup soccer competition will be held in the United States. While millions play the game around the world, soccer or football has only recently become popular here. It is only in the last 30 years that large numbers of young Americans became interested in soccer. Now it is the fastest growing sport in the country. A recent study found that almost 18 million young boys and girls play soccer in the United States.

The study also found that soccer is beginning to replace more traditional games like American football as the most popular sport among students. And so, when the world cup begins next week, more than one million Americans are expected to go and see the teams play. Organizers say this year’s world cup will be the biggest ever. All the seats at most of the 52 games have already been sold.

Soccer has been played in the United States for a little more than one hundred years. But how did the sport come to this country? And how long has it existed in other parts of the world? No one knows exactly where the idea for soccer came from, or when people began playing the game. Some scientists say there is evidence that ball games using the feet were played thousands of years ago. There is evidence that ancient Greeks and Romans and native American Indians all played games sim­ilar to soccer.

Most experts agree that Britain is the birthplace of modem soccer. They also agree that the British spread the game around the world. Unlike the game today, which uses balls of man-made material or leather, early soccer balls were often made of animal stomachs. The rules of early soccer games also differed from those we have today.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?()

A.Americans were preparing for the world cup when the author wrote this article

B.More younger Americans became interested in soccer in the last 30 years

C.Soccer is the fastest developing sport in the world

D.The article was written before the world cup held in the United States

2.Which was the most popular sport as a traditional game among students?()


B.American football



3.For how long has soccer been played in the United States?()

A.About a hundred years

B.About fifty years

C.Only recently

D.About thirty years

4.What is the author going to state in the next paragraph?()

A.There have been attempts to start a professional soccer organization in the U.S

B.In the 12th century soccer games in Britain often involved whole towns

C.Professional soccer grew quickly in Europe

D.Experts believed that the United States would win

The scientists are trying to unveil the history of the universe.(翻译)

As can be probably perceived, a manned trip to Mars may soon ________ since scientists





()what many scientists seem to think, measurements and calculations are not the only w
()what many scientists seem to think, measurements and calculations are not the only w

ay to discover truth.

A.ln case of

B.Regardless of

C.ln the event of

D.Despite of

Many of the most damaging and life threatening types of weather torrential rains, seve
re thunderstorms, and tornadoes begin quickly, strike suddenly, and disappear rapidly, destroying small regions while leaving neighboring areas untouched.Such event as a tornado struck the northeastern section of Edmonton, Alberta, in July 1987.Total damages from the tornado exceeded $250 million, the highest ever for any Canadian storm.

Conventional computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicting short lived local storms like the Edmonton tornado, because the available weather data are generally not detailed enough to allow computers to study carefully the subtle atmospheric changes that come before these storms.In most nations, for example, weather – balloon observations are taken just once every twelve hours at locations typically separated by hundreds of miles.With such limited data, conventional forecasting models do a much better job predicting general weather conditions over large regions than they do forecasting specific local events.

Until recently, the observation intensive approach needed for accurate, very short – range forecasts, or “Nowcasts,” was not feasible.The cost of equipping and operating many thousands of conventional weather stations was extremely high, and the difficulties involved in rapidly collecting and processing the raw weather data from such a network were hard to overcome.Fortunately, scientific and technological advances have overcome most of these problems.Radar systems, automated weather instruments, and satellites are all capable of making detailed, nearly continuous observation over large regions at a relatively low cost.Communications satellites can transmit data around the world cheaply and instantaneously, and modern computers can quickly compile and analyze this large volume of weather information.Meteorologists and computer scientists now work together to design computer programs and video equipment capable of transforming raw weather data into words, symbols, and vivid graphic displays that forecasters can interpret easily and quickly.As meteorologists have begun using these new technologies in weather forecasting offices, Nowcasting is becoming a reality.

11.The word “exceeded” in paragraph I most probably means ____________.

A.added up toB.were more than

C.were about D.were less than

12.Conventional computer models of the atmosphere fails to predict such a short – lived tornado because ______________.

A.the computer is not used to forecast specific local events

B.the computers are not advanced enough to predict it

C.the weather data people collect are often wrong

D.weather conditions in some small regions are not available

13.According to the passage, the word “Nowcast” (paragraph 3) means _______________.

A.a way of collecting raw weather data

B.a forecast which can predict the weather conditions in the small area in an accurate way

C.a network to collect instant weather data

D.a more advanced system of weather observation

14.According to the passage, ___________ is the key factor to making “Nowcasts” a reality.

A.scientific and technological advances such as radar, or satellites

B.computer scientist


D.advanced computer programs

15.According to the author, the passage mainly deals with ________________.

A.a tornado in Edmonton, Alberta

B.what’s a “Nowcast”

C.the disadvantage of conventional computer models of the weather forecast

D.a breakthrough in weather forecast

Scientists discovered they could measure wind speed by _______ a wind meter to a kite





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