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Which is included in the formula that Windows NT/2000 uses to create the Security Iden

A.A semi-random number generated by the CPU based on the number of processes in the queue

B.A set of numbers based on the serial number of the computer CPU and the serial number of Windows NT

C.The computer name and the current amount of CPU time used by the user mode

D.The octal encryption of the user name and the password

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更多“Which is included in the formu…”相关的问题
Which of the following components are included in T31 EMS system?()





Which one is NOT included in a resume? ()

A.History of a country

B.Personal information


D. Activities and honors

Which are included in social and affective strategies?()

A.Questioning for clarification



D.selective attention

Which information is included in PDP context?()

A.PDP Address




A fixed cost is: ()。
A、the cost of any input whose per-unit price has been fixed, whether by long-term contract or by some similar means

B、a cost whose increases are exactly proportional to increases in output

C、any component included in average cost which enters in AC as the same fixed per-unit amount, no matter what the level of plant output may be

D、a cost which the firm would incur even if its output were zero

E、none of the above

A fixed cost is: ().
A、the cost of any input whose per-unit price has been fixed, whether by long-term contract or by some similar means.

B、a cost whose increases are exactly proportional to increases in output

C、any component included in average cost which enters in AC as the same fixed per-unit amount, no matter what the level of plant output may be

D、a cost which the firm would incur even if its output were zero

We have created a special rate that will let you travel actually thousands of miles o
n your vacation at no extra cost.

In most of our US and Canadian offices, we'll rent you cars of high quality for seven days for $ 99.

You can drive as far as you like without paying us a penny over the $ 99 as long as you return the car to the city from which you rented it.Insurance(保险) is included, gas is not.

If you rent the car in Florida or in California, the rate is the same, but you can return the car to any city in the state.

If you'd like some suggestions on what to do with the car once you've got it, we have driving and touting guides for almost every part of the country.No matter which rate you choose, the company comes at no extra cost.You don't just rent a car.You rent a company!

26.According to the advertisement, $ 99 is the rate offered for _____.

A.traveling a limited distance

B.renting a car for seven days

C.hiring a driving guide

D.driving within a state

27.Which of the following is included in the car-renting rate?()

A.Gas used

B.Car repairs

C.The hotel charge

D.Insurance fee

28.The car-renting rate remains $ 99if you _____.

A.return the car to where you rent it

B.drive within the same city

C.buy the insurance

D.pay for the gas

29.The last sentence of the passage "You rent a company" means that _____.

A.you have to be responsible for the company

B.you should obey the rules set by the company

C.you can enjoy all-round services of this company

D.you may choose the best car from the company

30.The purpose of the passage is to advertise _____.

A.car-renting services in the US

B.a special rate of car-renting

C.the advantages of car-renting

D.a US car-renting company

Twenty people were injured in the traffic accident,five children ().



C.to included

D.to be included

Apart from technological development, the 20th century_______ an enormous worldwide po





2 The Rubber Group (TRG) manufactures and sells a number of rubber-based products. Its str

2 The Rubber Group (TRG) manufactures and sells a number of rubber-based products. Its strategic focus is channelled

through profit centres which sell products transferred from production divisions that are operated as cost centres. The

profit centres are the primary value-adding part of the business, where commercial profit centre managers are

responsible for the generation of a contribution margin sufficient to earn the target return of TRG. The target return is

calculated after allowing for the sum of the agreed budgeted cost of production at production divisions, plus the cost

of marketing, selling and distribution costs and central services costs.

The Bettamould Division is part of TRG and manufactures moulded products that it transfers to profit centres at an

agreed cost per tonne. The agreed cost per tonne is set following discussion between management of the Bettamould

Division and senior management of TRG.

The following information relates to the agreed budget for the Bettamould Division for the year ending 30 June 2009:

(1) The budgeted output of moulded products to be transferred to profit centres is 100,000 tonnes. The budgeted

transfer cost has been agreed on a two-part basis as follows:

(i) A standard variable cost of $200 per tonne of moulded products;

(ii) A lump sum annual charge of $50,000,000 in respect of fixed costs, which is charged to profit centres, at

$500 per tonne of moulded products.

(2) Budgeted standard variable costs (as quoted in 1 above) have been set after incorporating each of the following:

(i) A provision in respect of processing losses amounting to 15% of material inputs. Materials are sourced on

a JIT basis from chosen suppliers who have been used for some years. It is felt that the 15% level of losses

is necessary because the ageing of the machinery will lead to a reduction in the efficiency of output levels.

(ii) A provision in respect of machine idle time amounting to 5%. This is incorporated into variable machine

costs. The idle time allowance is held at the 5% level partly through elements of ‘real-time’ maintenance

undertaken by the machine operating teams as part of their job specification.

(3) Quality checks are carried out on a daily basis on 25% of throughput tonnes of moulded products.

(4) All employees and management have contracts based on fixed annual salary agreements. In addition, a bonus

of 5% of salary is payable as long as the budgeted output of 100,000 tonnes has been achieved;

(5) Additional information relating to the points in (2) above (but NOT included in the budget for the year ending

30 June 2009) is as follows:

(i) There is evidence that materials of an equivalent specification could be sourced for 40% of the annual

requirement at the Bettamould Division, from another division within TRG which has spare capacity.

(ii) There is evidence that a move to machine maintenance being outsourced from a specialist company could

help reduce machine idle time and hence allow the possibility of annual output in excess of 100,000 tonnes

of moulded products.

(iii) It is thought that the current level of quality checks (25% of throughput on a daily basis) is vital, although

current evidence shows that some competitor companies are able to achieve consistent acceptable quality

with a quality check level of only 10% of throughput on a daily basis.

The directors of TRG have decided to investigate claims relating to the use of budgeting within organisations which

have featured in recent literature. A summary of relevant points from the literature is contained in the following


‘The use of budgets as part of a ‘performance contract’ between an organisation and its managers may be seen as a

practice that causes management action which might lead to the following problems:

(a) Meeting only the lowest targets

(b) Using more resources than necessary

(c) Making the bonus – whatever it takes

(d) Competing against other divisions, business units and departments

(e) Ensuring that what is in the budget is spent

(f) Providing inaccurate forecasts

(g) Meeting the target, but not beating it

(h) Avoiding risks.’


(a) Explain the nature of any SIX of the eight problems listed above relating to the use of budgeting;

(12 marks)

Background information:Students will discuss:1)the topics included in the Pre-reading
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